As we all know, eBay is one of the most popular online marketplaces around the globe. If you are an eBay seller, you already know that when you subscribe to eBay, you get an eBay store. An eBay store is a place where you can showcase your brand and products to buyers in an organized and attractive way. Also, you will have newsletters, and coupons to send to customers subscribed to your channel to build a loyal customer base. In this article, we will show you how to Customize Your eBay Store.
Customize Your eBay Store
Once you have subscribed to the eBay store, eBay will give you more free listings and reduce your upfront costs. You can save up to 50% on the final value fees if you have an eBay store. You have to personalize your store to let buyers know more about your business and the products you sell. An eBay store is like your business home; you have to customize it to make it your own.
Now, let’s dive into the customization. Please follow the below process step by step.
Step 1: First, Log in to your eBay seller account.
Hover over the Store tab from the Seller hub.
Then, Click on the Edit Store from the drop-down. Then you will be directed to your eBay store.
Step 2: Logo and Billboard
You need to add a logo and a billboard/banner. Cause that’s the first thing that appears on the storefront. Make sure the logo and billboard represent your business and the main products you sell. It will give a professional look to your eBay store.
To update it click on the + sign in the Add Billboard Image section if the field is empty, you can upload an image from your computer or You can click on Design with VistaCreate, which will direct you to the VistaCreate site.
You can click on the pencil icon to replace the old billboard.
Below that you will find the Store logo section here. The same rule applies here. Click on the + sign if the field is empty or click on the pencil icon to replace the old Store logo.
Remember that the Store logo should be 300 x 300 pixels and less than 12MB. Also, the billboard should not be more than 1280 x 290 pixels and less than 12MB in size.
Step 3: Store Name
When you choose a name for your eBay Store, eBay creates a web address (URL) for your store including that name. You may change the store name, but then your store URL will also be changed. So be careful while selecting your store name, and make sure you don’t need to change the name in the future.
Best, if you-
- Name your store based on what you sell
- Avoid using other sellers’ names or brand names, special characters, www, .com, two consecutive spaces, or non-alphanumeric characters
Let’s change the store name now,
- Click on the pencil icon in the store name field
- Write the store name, you can use 35 characters at most; then save the changes
There are two sections in your eBay store. One is Stage your store and the other is Tell your story.
Step 4: Now we will customize the Stage your store section.
Under this section, you will find these Feature Categories where you can add categories based on your products.
Feature Categories
For creating feature Categories, first of all, click on add categories and then select category type. You can either select eBay categories or store categories. eBay categories are default categories that eBay makes, and your product will go under a category based on your product title and eBay preferences. But the store categories are something you can create based on the products you sell. If didn’t create store categories yet, click here and you will be directed to the Manage Store Categories page. Here you can manage custom store categories.
Best if you chose Store categories, cause then you can add featured categories as you want.
You can now create up to 6 featured categories to show in your storefront to help buyers shop by category. Add categories that are the best selling or which you want to sell more from here, below the add image option.
When selecting an image, remember that it is best to use a square image of 300 x 300 pixels.
You can remove the section by clicking on the Remove section if you want.
Step 5: Feature Your Listings
To attract buyers’ attention feature some of your best items by adding rows of featured listings to your storefront. In the Stage your store section there is an option to feature your listings. Under this section, you’ll see an option to choose either automated or manual when adding an inventory strip.
If you choose Automated there are only two options, newly listed and Ending soonest.
But If you choose manual, then you can see here a lot of options available for you like: Featured listings, Best Sellers, Popular Products, Holiday Collection, Items on Sale, Just In, Top Picks, etc.
Now to add the listings row,
- Select Manual
Then Select the Row which you want. And then Click on Add row.
– Then click on the Select listing button for each of the sections and choose the listing you want to recommend on that specific.
You can create up to 4 featured listings rows from these options. Add more rows if you want. You can remove any of these rows by clicking on the Remove section here.
Step 6: Marketing banner
A marketing banner helps you showcase your listing or category to the buyers. Buyers can click on the banner and be directed to a certain category or listings.
To create a clickable marketing banner
- First, click on the Add a banner button under Use a marketing banner section.
- Then select the banner destination, whatever you select here will send customers to that destination. Best if you choose Store categories. So that customers can be directed to that specific category
- Now select the Store categories, and then choose a specific Category that you want to focus on or promote.
- Then upload your banner image here. While selecting any image for your store remember that “First the philosophy then the quality”, means people usually value looks first then the quality. So select images that look attractive and convincing.
- Below that, create a banner Title, and Describe your banner in the appropriate fields, and click on the save banner.
- The Banner should be 640 x 640 pixels and less than 12MB.
Step 7: All listings
Below that there is the All listings section. Here all your listings will be shown automatically, just choose store categories here.
Now scroll up and click on the Tell Your Story section. This pop-up window will appear, click on save draft. There you will find the About this Store Section, Add store video, and Store Policy section to customize.
Step 8: About this Store description
About this Store is a part where you can tell customers about your store, business, and products. Buyers can read this from your store’s About tab. By giving a clear view of your store you can attract buyers and gain their trust.
- To customize the About this Store, go to the About this Store field and write about your store and business. You can write up to 1000 characters.
Add Video
You can add a video to your store for a more professional and stylish-looking storefront. Introduce yourself and your business to your buyers through the video. Keep in mind to cover what you sell, how long you’ve been in the business, what your workplace looks like etc.
To add a video to your store:
- Click on Add video from here, and click on upload video, choose your video
- You can also click on Design with Vistacreate, which will direct you to the Vistacreate site, where you can create your video.
- In the pop-up, choose your video.
Your video should be:
- In .MP4 or .MOV format,
- Not more than 150MB,
- Must comply with eBay’s Images, videos, and text policy.
Store policies
At the end of the page, you will find store policies to select the policy types that will apply to all of your items. These will be shown in your store for buyers to read.
- First, select the policy type from the dropdown and then click on Add Policy.
- Now write your policy text in the text field, not more than 4000 characters.
If everything is fine then first click on Preview, and check that everything is ok according to your selection. If you are satisfied with that then click on Publish.
Well, that’s everything you need to do to update your eBay store. A customized store looks professional and trustworthy to the buyers. From the store, customers can have an overview of your business and products. You can send newsletters through email from your store and provide coupons to attract buyers and build a loyal customer base for your brand. If you think this article is helpful, please like and share this article. Comment below if you need any further assistance. To keep yourself updated with the latest trends to maximize revenues across all of your sales channels you can sign up for our Ecomclips newsletter.