Listing products on the Target Plus marketplace is a complex process. There is no direct way and it may be your question now,” How do I list products on Target?” That’s why we came up with this guide to show you the listing process on the Target marketplace as simply as possible.
In This Article, We Are Covering:
- Understand product listing for target marketplace seller
- Download the feed file with a third-party multi-channel tool
- Fill up the feed file for Target’s product listing
- Upload the feed file
- Check the upload from Target’s backend
- Prepare the price file
- Upload the price file
Mobility E-commerce Tool:
Mobility E-commerce is a third-party multi-channel tool. You cannot list products on Target without a third-party multi-channel tool. In our case, we are using Mobility E-commerce because it’s budget-friendly and easy to use.
Download the Feed File with Mobility E-commerce:
Step 1: Log In
Log in to Mobility E-commerce.

Step 2: Inventory
Go to the Inventory Tab.

Step 3: Select Marketplace
Click on Target Bulk Upload.

Step 4: Category Selection
Identify your category and click on the download button from the right side.
Fill up the Feed File for Target’s Product Listing

Step 1: Start Filling
After downloading, open the file. Now you need to fill it up.

Step 2: First Column
The first column is for SKUs. Put your parent SKU in the second row and then on the rest of the rows will be your child SKUs.

Step 3: Second Column
The second column is for parent SKUs. Keep the second row as it is. Then for the rest of the rows, they will be your Parent SKUs.

Step 4: Type Column
For the parent SKU – You need to write here VAP
And for the Child SKUs – You need to Write VC

Step 5: Other Fields
In the same way, you need to fill out the rest of the fields. The information required could be different in different categories. You’ll need to include the barcodes, brand name, description, package information, image URLs, and bullet features and fill out the rest of the fields. Then save it.
Upload the Feed File
Step 1: Return Mobility
Go back to mobility E-commerce.

Step 2: Inventory
Go to the Inventory tab then select your product category.

Step 3: Select File
Click on choose file. Then select the saved file from your computer.

Step 4: Upload
Now click on the Upload file.
Check the Upload from Target’s Backend
Now you need to check from Target’s backend to ensure our items are properly uploaded.

Step 1: Select
Copy one of the SKUs. Then paste it on this search bar. The TCIN will come. Click on it.

Step 2: Search
Your product will be shown like this.

Step 3: Relation Check
Click on relationships.

Step 4: Ensure
Then make sure all the products are shown here.
Prepare the Price File
In Target, we need to upload the prices in a different file. Go back to Mobility E-commerce.

Step 1: Import Price Template
Go to the inventory tab then click on Import Price.

Step 2: CSV Download
Click on Download Sample CSV.

Step 3: Prepare File
Prepare your price sheet like the above. Enter marketplace, SKUs, Price, Sale Price, and Map Price.
Upload the pricing

Step 1: Navigate Import Price
Now again click on Import Price.

Step 2: Select Price File
Click on choose file.

Step 3: Upload File
Click on import.
Now Target will automatically create your listings along with prices.
More on Target from Ecomclips
- How to Get an Invitation from Target Marketplace
- Grab 35% Sales Increase on Target Plus Marketplace with This Strategy
- Size Chart to Your Target Listing to Increase Conversion | Target Listings Product Page Improvement
- How to Add Negative Keywords in Target Chain Store Advertising Campaigns
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