In this documentation we will discuss about how to import or change selling location of ebay from Sellercloud using Excel or CSV file or from eBay.
eBay is one of the largest marketplaces. Most people who sell online are familiar with eBay. To be a professional eBayer, it is always best to learn all of the super skills.
eBay Item Location:
Sellers must provide information about where their items are located, including the city, state, and country and where the items will be shipped from or picked up. Provision of item location helps buyers to have clear and accurate information about how long it will take to arrive, and how much they will pay for shipping. This not only gives buyers peace of mind, but can help increase sales by giving the seller an edge on their competitors.
It is possible to provide item location from eBay backend. You need to go to eBay listings page and search with the Item title/Custom label/Item ID or any words that Item title contains. Click on the Item title.
You will be taken to the eBay catalog. Click on the Revise your item.
Change the Item location and click on Update listing.
Now you will see the Updated location on eBay catalog.
Selling location of eBay through SellerCloud Interface
To provide selling location on eBay through SellerCloud, you need to search the item on SellerCloud inventory page. You can search with any Keyword/UPC or item SKU and click on ebaY to go to eBay properties page.
Add or change the item location on eBay properties page.
Click on the Save button.
Bulk eBay Selling location on SellerCloud through Excel or CSV file:
You can also provide/update eBay item location in bulk through SellerCloud. You need to go to SellerCloud Inventory page and click on Bulk Update Products.
Click on Get Template file.
A pop-up window will appear, select eBaySellingCity, eBaySellingState and eBaySellingZipCode from there. Download the template.
An excel file will be downloaded with ProductID, eBaySellingCity, eBaySellingState and eBaySellingZipCode.
Add the information properly.
Again go to Bulk Product Update page, click on Create product if none exists, choose your Company name from the drop down menu. Choose the and file type. Click on Submit button.
Click on the Job ID to monitor the Schedule.
In a few minutes the Job will be completed.
Now you can search an item on SellerCloud Inventory page to check on eBay properties page.
You will find the eBay Selling City, State and Zip Code has uploaded properly on eBay properties page.
Now you need to Revise all listings to reflect the updated item location on eBay catalog.
Select Revise All Listings from the action menu and click on Go.
Click on Revise Now.
Click on Click here to view on eBay.
You will be taken to the eBay catalog page and you will see the updated location.
In this article we have tried to explain the process of Updating Selling Location of ebay both from eBay and Sellercloud in Bulk in detail. But if you have any questions regarding this article, please feel free to contact us. We would be glad to give answers to your questions. Please keep reading our blogs. Soon we will come back with another article.