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Add Custom Specification on Description Template of Sellercloud

In this article we will discuss about how to add Custom Specification on Description Template of Sellercloud.

Description generates more sales providing customers information regarding products. SellerCloud offers a distinctive eBay description template creation opportunity. There are a lot of sellers on eBay selling the same item so customers do not go through a thousand words description. A description with some specifications in a tidy manner catches the customer’s eyes. Normally if anyone wants to add specification on the SellerCloud eBay template they will not find the list, but it is possible to add custom specification. We will show the custom specifications addition procedure on the SellerCloud template.

Description generates more sales providing customers information regarding products. SellerCloud offers a distinctive eBay description template creation opportunity. There are a lot of sellers on eBay selling the same item so customers do not go through a thousand words description. A description with some specifications in a tidy manner catches the customer’s eyes. Normally if anyone wants to add specification on the SellerCloud eBay template they will not find the list, but it is possible to add custom specification. We will show the custom specifications addition procedure on the SellerCloud template.

Here is an eBay listing below where the title, images, and specifications are appearing in the order. But you can add a different look to the description section that will comfort the customer’s eyes. 

   Go to the SellerCloud Description Template section and click on the edit on which template you are using.

Add Product Specifications tag and click on the Save button. This will create a table with all item specifics in your description section.

Go to the eBay properties page and revise the item. 

On the front end, you will find the specifications table in your description section.

If you want to highlight only some specifications on your description section, then you can use tag #?ProductSpecificName1?# , #?ProductSpecificValue1?#. You will be able to add up to 35 item specifications.

This will make your description section clean.

You can add images and more custom tags to make your listings attractive.

This template will yield the following listing on the eBay catalog.

In this way, you can make your listings more acceptable to the customers and that will increase your profit. Please let us know if you have any questions regarding this. Thanks for reading.

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