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Amazon PPC NEW Product Ads Feature | Reduce ACOS 5% – 10%

In the ever-evolving landscape of e-commerce, Amazon always tries to bring new features for sellers to make it easier for their business development. One of the latest features to hit the scene is “Amazon’s PPC Product Ad Feature”. This feature can help Amazon sellers to understand their product performance and reduce their product ACOS.

In this blog, We Will try to describe every detail of the new Amazon’s PPC Product Ad Feature, how it can be helpful to reduce your ACOS by a significant amount. If you’re a seasonal Amazon Seller or just starting the business on Amazon, this new Amazon’s PPC Product Ad Feature could be the key to becoming a successful seller on Amazon.

What is an Amazon PPC Product Ad Feature?

Amazon introduced a new feature in the Amazon seller central campaign level  to help sellers to make a better decision for their business products more efficiently and more accurately.

Amazon PPC Product Ad Feature provides the data of every product that is running in any campaign. This is the easiest way to track individual product performance and lower ACOS with Product Ad Feature.

How Many Offerings Product Ad Feature Has?

Here we will discuss all the functionality of product ad features and how this will help to find the product’s data to make adjustments properly.

Under this feature we will get the PPC products spend, sales, conversion rate, ACOS, order unit, how many clicks and so on. We can select a variety of date range and maximum we can go up to the last 90 days data.

We all know everyone has different business strategies. This feature helps a seller to make decisions as per their business model. And here Amazon’s PPC Product Ad Feature plays a vital role.

  • Recommendations: Amazon’s PPC Product Ad Feature first column  is the Amazon recommendation column. Amazon provides their recommendations based on their internal data.

  • Amazon recommends which modification we have to do to the listing. This can help us to optimize our listing to catch more traffic, and more traffic can also be helpful to increase the sales volume. 
  • Sales: This column shows the sales data for the products. Usually it takes 12 hours to update the sales data. So it is better not to take today’s data as actual data.
  • Conversion Rate: It provides the percentage of each product conversion.  The conversion rate is calculated by order divided by total clicks and multiplied by 100.
  • Impressions: In this column, we saw the number of times our product ads appear on Amazon, be it on the product listing page or search results page. 
  • Clicks: We can find how many times our products have been clicked in this column.

  • Order: We can also find an order unit for our products from each campaign the product is added.
  • ACOS: We can find the product ACOS for individual campaigns. We can lower ACOS with Product Ad Feature.  

There are some extra metrics which can help sellers to understand the market to target the proper audience and can set up their campaign according to the data to lower ACOS with Product Ad Feature. 

  • NTB Orders: This column shows how many orders we got from the product from our New to Brand customers. This can help us to understand if our product bought from new customers or if we are getting repeated customers and can work on that.
  • Percentage of Orders NTB: Here we can find the percentage of New to Brand Orders. We can increase this performance to highlight our products to our new customers to enlarge our brand popularity.
  • NTB Sales: This shows how much sales we got from our New to Brand Customers.
  • Percentage of Sales NTB: In this column, we find the percentage of New to Brand sales.

We can also add filters to get the data as we wanted to improve our business performance from this Amazon’s PPC Product Ad Feature.

Here we have added a filter which will use the products with higher ACOS than 25%. 

We can check all these products with higher ACOS to lower ACOS with Product Ad Feature. 

Sellers can find all the campaigns in Amazon’s PPC Product Ad Feature, except brand campaigns for all the products that were added in PPC.

We can create new campaigns by selecting products or add them to any existing campaign if we want.

 We can export the data and work on Excel and store it for future business development.

How Does an Amazon PPC Product Ad Feature Help to Reduce the ACOS?

In this stage, we will show you how you can actually lower the campaign-level ACOS with the Product Ad feature. You need to follow these below steps to Lower the PPC ACOS with Amazon PPC Product Ad Feature.

Step 1: Check the Product performance

Amazon PPC Product Ad Feature gives us all the necessary data for all the items that were running in PPC. We can check on which product our ACOS is high and which product our ACOS is low.

Step 2: Check the Campaign

As we can see, after clicking on the product, we find all the campaigns where the product was added. We can also see the performance of this product in each campaign. The first campaign has high ACOS. So we can check the campaign and reduce our spending on the targeting where we were spending without proper conversion.

Step 3: Check the Targeting

Here we have keywords with high spending. We can find a lot of keywords like this and adjust their spending gradually to improve our campaigns performance.

Step 4: Adjusting Bids

So we can easily reduce bids for the targeting that was spent without proper conversion to lower ACOS with Product Ad Feature. 

In this below picture we can see both good performing and bad performing campaigns for the product. We can increase our spending where our product is doing good to increase our sale opportunity and can reduce bids where we are spending without proper conversion. 

Here are two keywords who were performing well for several days and our CPC is also high for them. So we will increase the bids so that we can have a chance to increase sales from this campaign to lower ACOS with Product Ad Feature. 

Amazon’s PPC Product Ad Feature can help us to reduce our spending and increase sales and we can easily reduce our ACOS by at least 5%. If we monitor our products daily with this method we can easily reduce our ACOS by 10% within a short period of time.

Benefits of Product Ad Feature

There are some key benefits we can not ignore to mention. Here are some key benefits of Product Ad Feature:

  • Comprehensive Oversight: We can oversee the performance of all our products across our various campaigns. Product Ad Feature shows us a detailed overview of all of our PPC products.
  • In-depth Insight: We have the capability to delve into the specifics of each product within the campaigns and ad groups where they are added. It’s the easiest way to get proper data under one roof.
  • Strategic Incorporation: We can incorporate our most successful product into an existing campaign or establish a new campaign tailored to either capitalize on the products customers are purchasing the most or to shift focus. So in this way, if we adjust our successful products’ campaigns, we can lower ACOS with Product Ad Feature. 
  • Filter Flexibility: It provides eight filters currently, allowing you to categorize our products based on Sales, ROAS, ACOS, Spends, Impressions, Clicks, Orders, and Conversion Rate.
  • Enhanced Listings: Amazon also provides recommendations to enhance the quality of your Product Listings. It can help the seller to engage more traffic to the listing, as people always look for the best in the market. More traffic means more sales opportunities, which can help us to lower ACOS with Product Ad Feature. 
  • Campaign Focus: This data is accessible only for Sponsored Products and Sponsored Display campaigns.


In the dynamic world of e-commerce, Amazon’s relentless innovation stands as a guiding beacon for sellers and brands aiming to excel in the digital marketplace. The spotlight now falls on Amazon’s latest marvel—the “Amazon PPC Product Ad Feature.”  The feature helps sellers to find data for their products with different date ranges. This feature already helps a lot of sellers to organize and optimize their PPC campaigns and products to enhance their business performance.

We trust that this article has provided helpful insights. If you have any further inquiries about Amazon Product’s Ad Feature, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment below. Our team is always available to assist you with any e-commerce-related solutions.

For more information on Amazon advertising, please feel free to email us your queries at info@ecomclips.com

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