How to Update or Edit or Change Product Data of existing item through Feed File on amazon seller central (Bulk System)
After uploading products especially via bulk upload, it become usual task to make frequent change, edit or update data like listing information Title, Bullet Point, description, price, quantity, shipping information etc, which are already listed on amazon seller central. We can do it either from Amazon dashboard or through flat file template of Amazon.
Bulk Operation: When we have bunch of product like 5000 product that needs to change or edit then it is not good idea to edit the item info one by one, In that case, we can use the flat file to do bulk operation or in some case we can do the bulk operation from Manage Inventory page, But from manage inventory page don’t have the access to edit all the info, we can change only a few information from dashboard like price, quantity, so flat file is the best option to do it.
Flat Feed File: When we want to do any bulk operation in Amazon using flat file there is two option to update or edit the information one is ‘Update’ another is ‘partial Update’.
Update: When we have all the information in our feed file, in that case, we can use the normal Update option. Important things are Feed file need to have all the information If we miss anything in the file that means any black cell overwrite the existing data of Amazon listing.
Partial update: When we want to partially update the information by putting only the edited value in the flat file like we want to update title only in that case we need to put the new title in the flat file template of Amazon and mark it as Partial Update and upload the file to Amazon, Title will update.
Note: Here we do not need to mention any all the information in the flat file. When we put Partial update on flat file every blank value will be ignored by Amazon, consider only those field which contains any value.
Below we will show some important changes which we need to change frequently with screenshots
Process : Need to download template from amazon and then upload the file on amazon. Below we mention more detail
Download Flat File Template from Amazon:
For bulk operation using Flat file, we need to download the template from amazon seller central. And to download the template we need to navigate
Step 1: Log in to your Amazon seller account and from the top-most menu bar in the dashboard, hover over the “Inventory” & select “Add Products via Upload” from the dropdown menu.
From there we need to navigate the ‘Download an Inventory File’ Tab
Select the Exact Category from either from Search Tool or from the Product Classifier Box Like
Search Tool:
Product Classifier Box: Where we need to select the Category by navigating the category Tree of Product Classifier Box.
Select the Category, Now we need to select the type of flat file we want to download. After selecting the Template type we need to click on ‘Generate Template’ , Then download process will start in our browser.
Note: You can get more more detail about How to Download or Export Flat File Template from Amazon – Detail Overview from Here
Populate Information: Open up the downloaded file and put the edited information in the respective field.
Note: We just need to put the vale as ‘PartialUpdate’ in the ‘Update Delete’ column
And save the file either in excel format or Tab Delimated format. Then upload the file on amazon seller central. To do that we need to navigate
Upload the file:
Inventory – > Add product Via Upload
Choose ‘Check and Upload your Inventory File’ tab
If we want to check we file either there is an error or not before uploading it on Amazon we can check from ‘Check your file’ section. If Amazon will not send us any error we can move to upload the file on Amazon. For that navigate the ‘Step 2 – Upload File’ Section. Select File type ‘ ‘Inventory Files for non-Media Categories’ from the dropdown, choose File then click on Upload. More detail about upload a file on Amazon click here
Note: Here we can select the option of error file like amazon shows us any error in which format we want to get the report we can choose.
After uploading the file on Amazon It will go to another tab ‘Monitor Upload Status’ from where we can check the status. If it will successfully upload then it will show in this page also if there are any error amazon will also generate a file and give the URL of that so that we can check the error and solve the error and again upload the file by solving the issue.
Following the above procedure, we can edit or update much information like title, bullet point, description, images, brand name, price, quantity, size, color, shipping information. In our next article, we will come with another important topic regarding Amazon. So keep reading our blog
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The edits are still not being updated by partial update, it still shows error update the asin data on edit page