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How to Create MCF Hold Order to Free Up Amazon FBA Storage

Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) is a service that helps Amazon sellers outsource shipping to Amazon. With this fulfillment option, Amazon will store your products, when a customer orders it Amazon will pack, ship, and deliver the products to customers. Amazon also handles customer service and returns for those orders.

But there is a limit, you can send FBA inventory to amazon. Amazon won’t receive your items if you exceed your storage limit. You can request to amazon to increase your storage limit. But worst-case scenario, amazon can decline your request! Although you need to send a few FBA stocks urgently.. In this situation MCF (Multi Channel Fulfillment) Hold Order can help you.

When customers orders few items from our inventory then from “utilization quantity” that much quantity decreases. For this MCF Hold order, same thing will happen. Amazon Multi Channel Fulfillment order is a temporary way to free up storage. All you need to do is create a “dummy order” to free up storage, so that you can send more goods to amazon. By creating MCF Hold Order, once you make your “utilization quantity” less than your storage limit, you can send FBA inventory to amazon.

Now let’s see “How to create MCF (Multi-Channel Fulfillment) Hold Order”.

Create MCF Order:

Step 1: Login to your amazon seller central account.

Step 2: Navigate to the dashboard, Click Orders and select Create MCF Order

Step 3: You will be taken to another page – Place a Multi-Channel Fulfillment Order. Now you need to fill up the address

Step 4: Search your desired ASIN here. You can search for more than one ASIN.

Please Note – if you wish to create the MCF Hold order for your low inventory items, it will cause your item to be out of stock, which can decrease your sales.

Here, you’ll also be able to see how many items you have for that ASIN. If the item is okay then click on the “+” button.

Step 5: Place your desired quantity in the Units box to hold. Enter “Order ID” (if you left it blank it’ll generate an id automatically). Now Select Shipping Speed from the right side

Step 6: Now, click on the “Create hold order”. But before that, click on the i button to read the instruction

Step 7: Once your order has been confirmed, you’ll get a confirmation notice.

Now, Shipped your FBA inventory ASAP. Because these hold orders are only good for 10-12 days after that it’ll be auto canceled by amazon. So, you must ship your FBA inventory within this 10-12 days’ time period.

Cancel MCF Hold Order

Once your inventory is received by amazon, you can cancel the hold order. to cancel the hold order –

Step 1: Go back to the Orders and select Manage Orders

Step 2: Search your order here. You can click on “Non-Amazon” to search automatically or you can search manually by entering your “Order ID” in the search bar.

Step 3: Click on the order id. It’ll take you to a new page. Here you’ll see the option “Cancel this order”. A pop up window will appear for the order cancellation confirmation. Click Submit

Step 4: Double check your order is canceled or not

This is a temporary way but it’s helpful in many certain cases. Best option is to manage your inventory within your storage limit and improve your inventory performance.

Hopefully, now you’ve got an idea about MCF Hold Order and how to create it to free up your storage. Also, don’t hesitate to ask if you’ve any questions. We would be glad to hear from you and answer your queries. Stay connected and Happy selling on amazon!

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