Not everyone who shops on Amazon listing will be speaking English, so to address this, We should create numerous variations of the A+ Content in our Amazon seller central account. Creating language variations of A+ content can ensure we’re connecting with a wide-ranging audience. It will definitely help to make the targeted buyer’s list long and effective.
Previously, Amazon A+ Content only supported one language per country. But now, the new A+ Content Manager enables to support of other shopper languages in each country,
Such as:
✅ English and Spanish in The US,
✅. English and French in Canada, and others.
This is an example of A+ content that we prepared earlier for one of our clients:
This A+ content is for a shoe product and was published on Amazon USA first. To create your own A+ content like this: Contact us.
We will show you the variation creation process through this A+ content.
The process of creating language variations of an A+:
Step 1: Go to your Amazon Seller Central account and open A+ Content Manager
Step 2: Open the content you want to create variation and click “Related Content”. Initially, you will see the primary content in the Section:
Step 3: Click on “Create Language Variation” to create the variations.
Step 4: A pop-up will appear with Available Languages to convert your A+ content. You can choose any of them and click “Create”
The draft will be created like this:
You can find your draft on the A+ content manager list and can edit the A+ content.
NOTE: You have to change the text of the images in the changed language and upload them manually, so the Spanish (the variation language you choose) viewer can understand the image texts also.
Step 5: After uploading all images and texts in your changed language, click “Submit for Approval” for sending the content to Amazon to review and publish.
That’s it, After Amazon’s review, your A+ content will be published on Amazon.
How to check the different language A+ Content:
Now as your A+ content is published in both English and another language (in our case it was Spanish) you might wonder how you can check it. To check the content in a different language, you need to change the language of your Amazon account:
Click on the flag icon to change the language.
This screen will appear. Click on the other language to change it:
Now, your Amazon Listing will appear in the language you choose. Also, your A+ content will be changed to your chosen language.
Creating A+ content in different languages helps to grab the attention of a wide range of audiences. We hope now you can create the language variations of your A+ content on your own.
We have a team of experts who have around 3 years of experience in creating the A+ content. If you need any assistance to create the A+ content like this one, you can directly contact us here.
Thank you!