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Amazon Search Query Performance Dashboard: What is it & How to Use it with PPC data?

The Amazon Search Query Performance Dashboard is a powerful analytics tool, launched in early 2022. Amazon Search Query Performance Dashboard is a powerful tool for Amazon sellers and advertisers to optimize their Amazon advertising campaigns. It provides valuable insights into how customers are finding and interacting with your products through search queries. Let’s understand in detail what this feature does and how it can help you increase your sales.

Table of Content:

  1. What is Amazon Search Query Performance?
  2. Where to find Amazon’s Search Query Performance Dashboard?
  3. What metrics can you find in the Search Query Performance Dashboard?
  4. Why is the Search Query Performance Report Amazing?
  5. How to use the Amazon Search Query Performance with PPC Data?
  6. Insights

What is Amazon Search Query Performance?

Amazon Search Query Performance refers to the effectiveness and results of search queries made by customers on the Amazon platform. The Search Query Performance Dashboard is a valuable tool for advertisers as it helps them to optimize their advertising campaigns by identifying which keywords are driving the most traffic and sales. By using this dashboard, advertisers can review their search term reports, identify top-performing keywords, and adjust their advertising strategy accordingly.

Some of the metrics available on the Search Query Performance Dashboard include the number of clicks, impressions, conversions, cost per click, and conversion rate for each search term. Advertisers can use these metrics to analyze their advertising campaigns and make data-driven decisions to improve their performance.

Where to find Amazon’s Search Query Performance Dashboard?

You can only access this tool if you’re enrolled in the Amazon Brand Registry. 

First, log in to the Amazon Seller Central dashboard → Click on ‘Brands’ and then ‘Brand Analytics’ from the sidebar. It’ll directly bring you to the Search Query Performance Dashboard.

You must be the brand’s primary Seller Central account administrator or have been granted permission by the account administrator to access Brand Analytics.

Read more: Amazon Brand Analytics: What is Amazon Brand Analytics & Why is it needed?

What metrics can you find in the Search Query Performance Dashboard?

The Amazon Search Query Performance Dashboard is a powerful tool for monitoring and optimizing your Amazon product page search performance. When used correctly, the dashboard can provide insight into exactly how customers are finding and interacting with your products. There are a number of metrics available to track and measure performance, including search query reports, impressions, clicks, conversion rate, and average order value.

The dashboard offers a choice of views, so you can analyze sales funnel data in a way that is most useful to your campaign and objectives: 

  • Brand View: This view shows search query performance for all your brand’s products.
  • Search Funnel – Impressions
  • Search Funnel – Clicks
  • Search Funnel – Cart Adds
  • Search Funnel – Purchases

  • ASIN View: This view displays the performance of top search queries at the ASIN level. 
  • Search Funnel – Impressions
  • Search Funnel – Clicks
  • Search Funnel – Cart Adds
  • Search Funnel – Purchases
  • Brand View: 

The Brand view shows query performance across your brand(s). It includes overall query performance, such as impressions, clicks, cart adds, and purchases for each query.

  • Impressions: 

This metric measures how often your product listing has been served to customers in Amazon search results. It’s essential to track impressions as your impression count will help you understand when customers are exposed to your product and where you might need to add content or keywords to target customers better.

The impressions metric is available across the analytics dashboard, whether you’re looking at the brand view.

  • Total Count: The number of products appearing for the search query.
  • Brand Count: Total number of impressions from the brand’s total inventory for this search query.
  • Brand Share: The percentage share of impressions for the brand, versus the overall number of products displayed.
  • Clicks:

Clicks measure how often customers click on your product listing once it’s been served in the Amazon search results. Monitoring this metric is beneficial to help you understand if customers are finding your product page relevant and attractive enough to click on.

Similar to impressions, you can see different the following metrics for clicks:

  • Click-Through Rate (CTR): The total number of clicks divided by the number of products served overall on the results page for the given search query.
  • Same-Day Shipping: Number of times the ASIN is clicked where search results include the same-day shipping option.
  • One-Day Shipping: The number of clicks received where one-day shipping is available.
  • Two-Day Shipping: The number of clicks on products with a two-day shipping option in the search results. 
  • Cart Adds

Add to the cart is the next step in the sales process from a click. You will see that the search query performance dashboard gives you information across the customer journey so you can identify pain points throughout. 

Add to carts data points closely mirror clicks data. That means you can see add-to-cart activity in line with shipping speed (same-day, one-day, and two-day shipping options) along with your own brand share and the brand counts.

Similar to clicks, you can see different metrics for Cart Adds as follows: 

  • Cart Add Rate: The total number of cart adds for the search query’s volume.
  • Purchases: 

The “Purchases” metric gives you the number of times shoppers ordered the product after using the search query. Amazon distinguishes purchases from add-to-carts. This distinction is how you can tell how many customers complete the conversion. 

Similar to Click &  Cart Adds, you can see different the following metrics for purchases:

  • Purchase Rate: The total number of purchases made relative to search volume. Purchase rate can tell you a lot about your exposure. 
  • ASIN View:

The ASIN view shows the top search queries for a specific ASIN. The Amazon Search Query Performance Dashboard ASIN View metrics provide insights into the performance of a specific product on Amazon based on search queries. 

ASIN View Metrics:

  • Search Funnel – Impressions
  • Search Funnel – Clicks
  • Search Funnel – Cart Adds
  • Search Funnel – Purchases

The ASIN View metrics are similar to the Brand View metrics, but they provide insights into the performance of a specific product on Amazon based on search queries. Overall, the dashboard provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of advertising campaigns on Amazon.

Read more: Amazon Brand Analytics for Sellers: Reports Provide by Amazon Brand Analytics

Why is the Search Query Performance Report Amazing?

The Amazon Search Query Performance Report is a report provided by Amazon to sellers and advertisers that shows data on the performance of their search queries within Amazon’s search engine. The report provides valuable insights into how customers are finding a seller’s products on Amazon, including which search terms are driving the most traffic and sales, and which search terms are not performing well.

This report displays what Amazon considers your top 1000 search queries. Some of the data available from the search query performance report include:

  • The total number of search queries.
  • The total number of search queries at a given timeframe.
  • The clicks your brand got per search query, organic and paid.
  • Your brand shares in total clicks and impressions.
  • Total Add-to-Carts per search query.
  • Total Conversions per search query.

And all of this is first-party data from Amazon, so it’s as accurate as it can get!

By analyzing the report data, sellers and advertisers can identify the most effective keywords to use in their product titles, descriptions, and advertising campaigns. They can also identify negative keywords to exclude from their campaigns, which can help to reduce wasted ad spend and improve the relevance of their ads.

How to use the Amazon Search Query Performance with PPC Data?

The Amazon Search Query Performance Dashboard can provide valuable insights to help improve the performance of your Amazon listings. Here are some ways to use it to your advantage:

  • Identify Top-Performing Keywords: 

Review the dashboard to identify which search terms are driving the most clicks and conversions. Use this information to optimize your listings by including these keywords in your product title, bullet points, and description.

Read more: Right Strategy for Amazon Keyword Research | Find Keywords that Help Generate Sales

  • Optimize Bids for Keywords: 

Use the data on cost-per-click (CPC) and sales to adjust your bids for keywords. Bid more for keywords that are driving a high return on investment (ROI), and lower your bids for keywords that are not performing well.

  • Identify Underperforming Keywords: 

Look for search queries with high spend but low conversion rates or high ACoS. These keywords may be less relevant or less effective in driving sales. Consider adding them as negative keywords or adjusting your bids accordingly.

  • Discover New Keywords: 

Review the search terms that are driving impressions and clicks but not yet leading to sales. Use these terms to discover new keywords to include in your product titles, descriptions, and advertising campaigns.

  • Analyze the Top Competition: 

Use the dashboard to understand which products are competing for the same search terms. Analyze their listings to identify their strengths and weaknesses, and use this information to improve your own listing.

  • Analyze Customer Search Behavior: 

The first step in using the Amazon Search Query Performance Dashboard is to analyze customer search behavior. Look at the search terms customers are using to find your products and identify any patterns or trends.

  • Optimize Campaigns: 

Utilize the insights from the dashboard to optimize your PPC campaigns. Make informed decisions such as adjusting bids, adding negative keywords, improving ad copy, refining product targeting strategies, or exploring new ad groups.

  • Monitor Performance Over Time: 

Regularly review the dashboard to track changes in performance over time. This will help you identify trends and adjust your strategies accordingly.

  • Optimize Your Funnel: 

Use the dashboard to understand which search terms are driving the most clicks, sales, and revenue for your products. Review the data on customer behavior after they click on your products to identify areas where you can optimize your product listings, pricing, images, and reviews to improve conversion rates.

  • Share of Voice

Share of voice tells you how often your brand or products are appearing in search results. A low share of voice suggests a low level of visibility. That’s a direct sign that you need to work to improve your rankings by taking steps such as focusing on A+ content creation, listing optimization, growing your review profile, and better understanding the A10 algorithm. 


In conclusion, the Amazon Search Query Performance Dashboard provides actionable data and metrics to help you understand and optimize the performance of your PPC campaigns, enabling you to maximize your advertising ROI and improve the visibility and success of your products on Amazon.

To learn more about how to use Amazon Search Query Performance Dashboard with PPC, you can email us your queries at

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