Amazon Live Chat – The Easiest Way to Solve Issues with Amazon Support
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Amazon Live Chat – The Easiest Way to Solve Issues with Amazon Support

The retail giant Amazon provides comprehensive support for its vast community of sellers. Because their experience with the marketplace directly impacts the quality of products and services offered to customers. For seller satisfaction, Amazon has consistently improved its services and tools, and one notable enhancement is the update to its Live Chat option.

Previously Amazon offered various support channels for sellers like email support and phone assistance. However, Amazon has taken steps to make its seller support system more convincing, particularly through Live Chat.

In this guide, we will show you, how can we fix an issue with the Amazon Live Chat Effectively. Before showing you the process, let us talk about whether is it really smoother than the other support channel.

Why it is easier and smoother now

Amazon live chat more easier compared to email support. On email support, we need to create a case by explaining all the things and need to wait a long time to get a response from Amazon support. Most of the time, they give a generic reply because they need to handle a large volume of cases every day.

And then again we need to push them and wait for their response to find out the exact solution or sort out the issue. Which is really time-consuming and frustrating for a seller.

But on live chat, Amazon assigned an agent to discuss in real time via chat. This means we can get the solution in the shortest possible time and take action against that issue. 

Let’s have a look at the example, 

For example, we are facing an issue with relisting items on Amazon with the Same EAN.

1st we have prepared and uploaded a loader file to delete the items. After 48 hours, we uploaded the feed file to relist them. 

But our items are conflicted with the ASIN which we deleted earlier with the loader file because those items are deleted successfully from the Manage Inventory page, but not deleted from the Amazon system.

For this reason, we have created a case on Amazon to permanently delete them from the Amazon system. Almost 2 weeks have been gone but we didn’t find the exact solution yet. 

The case is now transferred to another Amazon team. Again a few weeks have passed but didn’t get any reply yet.

Now we are going to live chat with Amazon to check and find out the solution and how effective it is. So, let’s dive into the process.

For Live Chat, we need to go to the Get Help page and select the required fields like Country of the Store, service, etc.

Then, select an issue to resolve the item from the list. As our issue is not on the list, we need to click on the My issue is not listed button.

Now, it’s asking to describe the issue. So, we need to provide a short description and click on the Continue button

After that, we can see a few more suggestions. As our issue is related to Product and listing, we need to select this one

Now, we need to fill up a few more fields like language, short description, and contact method.

We would suggest writing a brief description here so that Amazon can easily understand and assign a perfect agent to resolve your issue.

On the contact method, we need to select the Chat option for doing the live chat.

On the Your Name Field, it automatically fills up According to your Brand name. Now we need to click on the Chat Now button

After that, a New window will open for the live chat. Here we can see that, the chat starts with the Issue name that we provided earlier and automated messages.

After that, Amazon connected you to one of their agents to discuss and solve the issue. 

Now, after checking the message, he/s is asking for the ASIN numbers. So, please collect all the information be starting the Live chat. 

Now he/s is asking for the SKUs. We need to provide the SKUs.

Upon, checking, he/s asking for additional information. As we have tried to list items and filed to list due to conflictions conflicts, we have the error message. Now we need to provide the Batch ID of the feed file.

Here we can see that he/s provided the reason, why we are facing this issue with relisting our items. 

Believe us, for getting this information from Amazon, we have been waiting 10 days via case. But via live chat, within 30 minutes we got the reason and solution.

It’s really amazing and very effective. Though it’s still in beta version, we believe that Amazon will improve the live chat.

So this is how we can do the live chat with Amazon to solve any issues within the shortest possible time compared to email support or Creating a case.

To conclude, tackling issues with Amazon Live Chat is not only a feasible option, but it is also a highly efficient one. Throughout this blog, we walked through the process step by step, using real-life examples to demystify the experience. It’s evident that opting for Amazon Live Chat support is a superior choice when compared to traditional avenues like email or phone call assistance.

The real-time interaction, convenience, and ability to clarify doubts on the spot make it a preferred method for resolving issues with your Amazon account or orders. By choosing Live Chat, you gain access to a responsive and helpful support team that can swiftly address your concerns, ultimately saving you time and reducing frustration.

If you have any queries regarding Amazon, feel free to let us know in the comment box or email us at the following email address: 

To know more about Amazon, please check out our other blog. Also, you can check our YouTube videos related to Amazon.

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