New Amazon Product Title Requirements: What Sellers Need to Know
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New Amazon Product Title Requirements: What Sellers Need to Know

Amazon product title requirements are changing in 2025. If you’re a seller, you may need to update hundreds of listings to comply with the new rules. Here’s everything you need to know about Amazon’s new title policy.

In this article, we will cover:

  • What are the new updates on Amazon product title requirements?
  • What happens if you don’t comply?
  • Why do these changes make sense?

Amazon’s Product Title Requirements Updates 2025

On January 21, 2025, Amazon will officially update its product title requirements. The new rules aim to make titles cleaner, more concise, and easier for shoppers to read. Let’s break down the updates:

  1. Character Limit for Titles

Titles must not exceed 200 characters, including spaces. A good practice is to keep your titles between 150-180 characters. For mobile shoppers, Amazon recommends limiting titles to 80 characters or fewer. This ensures the most important details are visible upfront.

  1. Prohibited Special Characters

Amazon now bans specific characters in product titles, including: ! (Exclamation mark), $ (Dollar sign), ? (Question mark), _ (Underscore), {} (Curly brackets), ^ (Caret), ¬ (Negation sign), and ¦ (Broken bar). These symbols are rarely needed and can make titles appear cluttered.

  1. Limits on Word Repetition

Titles cannot contain the same word more than twice, except for prepositions, articles, and conjunctions. Sellers often use repetitive keywords to rank better in search results, but this practice is no longer allowed. For example: “Necklace for Women,” “Heart Necklace,” and “Choker Necklace” in one title would violate the rule.

What Happens If You Don’t Comply?

Starting January 21, 2025, Amazon’s AI bots will enforce these rules. Non-compliance can result in two outcomes:

  1. Listing Suppression

Shoppers won’t be able to find your product if your listing is suppressed.

  1. Amazon Title Suggestions

Amazon will suggest compliant titles in the “Review Listing Updates” section for brand owners. Sellers will have 14 days to implement these changes.

During this process, your listings will remain active as long as you make updates that comply with the new policy.

Why Do These Changes Make Sense?

The updates aim to improve the buyer experience by:

  • Limiting excessively long titles that are difficult to read.
  • Eliminating unnecessary symbols.
  • Reducing repetitive keywords that create better titles.

By following these rules, sellers can create more appealing and effective product titles, helping to drive sales and improve customer satisfaction.

Need Help Updating Your Titles?

If you’re unsure how to update your titles to comply with these new requirements, we’re here to help. Drop a comment below or email us at for expert guidance.

Final Thoughts

Amazon’s new title policy takes effect on January 21, 2025. Start preparing now to ensure your listings are compliant. If you follow the new guidelines, you can avoid listing suppression, enhance your product’s visibility, and improve the overall shopping experience for your customers.

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