Top 5 Amazon Seller Scams That You Must Acknowledge
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Top 5 Amazon Seller Scams That You Must Acknowledge

Where there is profit, scammers will follow. As Amazon booms and sellers reap profits, scammers are increasingly targeting them. Are you tirelessly working day after day, putting all your effort into generating profits from your Amazon FBA business? Unfortunately, as you focus on growth and success, a dark reality lurks in the shadows. Scammers are on the rise, and if you’re a new seller, you might be their next victim. In this blog post, we’ll reveal how these fraudsters operate and provide actionable tips to safeguard your business.

The Growing Threat of Amazon Scams

Amazon’s e-commerce platform is brimming with opportunities. However, alongside legitimate sellers, there are individuals and groups waiting to exploit newcomers. These scammers can be disguised as helpful friends, but their real intent is to set traps specifically designed for you. They have no ethics and are solely focused on benefiting from your misfortune.

Types of Amazon Scams and How to Avoid Them

1. Account Hijacking Scams

In this scam, fraudsters gain access to your seller account and use it for their own gain. They can change your bank account information, update product listings, or steal sensitive business information.

Prevention Tips

– Set up two-factor authentication on your account.

– Use strong passwords and change them every few months.

– Never share your login details.

– Regularly monitor your account for unusual activities or changes.

2. Phishing Scams

Fraudsters disguise themselves as legitimate companies to trick you into giving out sensitive information. These scams can come via email, text messages, or phone calls, often including fake links or URLs.

Prevention Tips

– Always check the sender’s email address or phone number.

– Never click on suspicious links.

– Remember, Amazon will never ask for your login details or sensitive information through email or text messages.

3. Listing Hijacking Scams

Scammers sell counterfeit or fake products by copying your listings. Customers may think they are ordering from you but end up receiving counterfeit items, harming your business reputation.

Prevention Tips

– Check all your listings regularly to ensure no unauthorized sellers are listing your products.

– Look out for duplicate listings of your products on Amazon.

4. Amazon Suspension Scams

Fraudsters pretend to be Amazon staff or representatives, claiming your account has been suspended or deactivated. They then request payment to reactivate your account or ask for your account details.

Prevention Tips

– Always verify the legitimacy of the email or phone call with Amazon support before taking any action.

5. Fake Review Scams

Some individuals or companies sell fake reviews to boost product sales and rankings. However, Amazon has strict policies against fake reviews, and engaging in this activity can result in suspension or a ban.

Prevention Tips

– Avoid getting involved in buying or selling fake reviews.

– If you suspect fake negative reviews from competitors, contact Amazon support immediately.

How to Protect Your Amazon Business

Follow the given strategy to protect your Amazon business from scammers.

Enroll in Amazon Brand Registry

One of the best ways to protect your brand is by enrolling in the Amazon Brand Registry program. This program helps safeguard your brand and products from many scams.

Utilize Amazon’s Anti-Counterfeit Tools

Amazon offers three powerful tools within the Brand Registry to combat counterfeit products:

– Transparency: This tool allows you to track every unit you produce.

– Project Zero: It combines Amazon’s advanced technology with your own expertise to identify and remove counterfeit listings.

– Counterfeit Crimes Unit: A team of experts dedicated to investigating and taking down counterfeiters.

General Best Practices

– Keep your login details safe and secure.

– Never give out sensitive information.

– Always verify the legitimacy of emails or phone calls claiming to be from Amazon.

– Activate two-step verification on your account.


Scammers are continually evolving their tactics, but by staying informed and vigilant, you can protect your Amazon FBA business. Follow the tips outlined in this guide, and ensure you’re proactive in safeguarding your business against fraudsters. Remember, your diligence today can save your business tomorrow.

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