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Amazon PPC

Optimize Amazon PPC Campaigns with Targeting Tab with Search Term Report Data

Amazon Sellers often stay confused about what things they need to do for PPC or advertising, well it’s not an easy task though! Running PPC campaigns on the marketplace that actually generate sales and have the conversion genuinely takes a lot of in-depth knowledge on bidding, keywords, CPC, targeting and so many other stuff. Out of these, targeting is one of the trickiest things to pick! You might think that targeting is easy, you just need to pick some good keywords and run the theme! But, is Amazon PPC that simple? 

In this post, we will see a detailed overview of Amazon PPC Targeting, and how you as a seller can ensure that your money is not being wasted on advertising.

What is the Targeting Tab?

The targeting tab in Amazon Seller Central is a tool that allows you to see which keywords and categories Amazon is targeting for your ads, and to manually target or exclude keywords and categories. You can also use the targeting tab to optimize advertising campaigns like  set bids for specific keywords and categories.

Where Can Find the Targeting Tab?

This feature is only available to sellers who have campaigns. It can be used to manage and optimize PPC campaigns at the campaign level. To use the Targeting tab, simply go to the Advertising tab in Seller Central and select Campaign Manager. Then, click on the Targeting tab. 

PPC Metrics

Amazon’s PPC targeting tab provide several important metrics in the targeting tab of the campaign manager. These metrics are crucial for assessing the performance of your ad campaigns and making data-driven decisions for optimization. Below are some of the key PPC metrics you can find in the targeting tab of the campaign manager. 

  • Clicks
  • Impressions
  • Click-Through Rate (CTR)
  • Total Spend
  • Average Cost Per Click (CPC)
  • Sales
  • Advertising Cost of Sales (ACoS)
  • Return on ad spend (ROAS)
  • Conversion Rate
  • Orders

You can view these metrics for all of the keywords and categories that you are targeting, as well as for the overall campaign.

You can also use the targeting tab to filter your results by specific metrics. For example, you can filter your results to show only the keywords that have a high CTR or a high conversion rate.

How to Download Targeting Report on Amazon

To download a Amazon targeting report:

  1. Go to the Campaign Manager.
  2. Click the Targeting tab on the left side of the screen.
  3. Click the Export button at the top of the right side of the screen.
  4. Select the date range for the report you want to download.
  5. Click the Download button.

Benefits of Amazon Campaign Manager Targeting Tab

Amazon Advertising Targeting tab offers a number of benefits to sellers, including regular monitoring, keywords bids and so on. 

Regular Monitoring

Continuously monitor Amazon Advertising Targeting Identify which keywords are driving sales and which ones need adjustments. Keep an eye on your ACoS (Advertising Cost of Sale) to ensure profitability.   

Adjust Keyword Bidding 

We can adjust bids using this Amazon Advertising Targeting tab. Select the keywords that you want to adjust the bids for and click on the Bulk action button. In the Bulk Edit dialog box, select the Bid option. Enter the new bid amount for the selected keywords then click save changes.

Identify High-Converting Keywords and Categories

The Targeting Tab shows you which keywords and categories are generating sales and clicks. Use this information to identify high-converting keywords and categories that you can add to your manual campaigns and increase your bids for. We Can also adjust bids by percentage ways using the Amazon Targeting tab. 

Exclude Irrelevant Keywords and Categories                

The Targeting Tab also shows you which keywords and categories are not generating sales or clicks. You can exclude these irrelevant keywords and categories from your campaigns to save money and improve your performance.

Reduce Your ACOS 

The Amazon PPC Targeting tab can be used to reduce both keyword ACOS and overall campaign ACOS. It allows you to see which targets are converting well and which are not, as well as which targets are only spending money. You can then use this information to decide which keywords to adjust your bids for in order to reduce your overall ACOS. 

What is an Amazon Search Terms Report?

Amazon Search Terms Report is a report that shows you all of the search terms that customers have used to find your ads. You can use this information to identify high-converting keywords, new keywords to target, and irrelevant keywords to exclude. The maximum search term report data that can be downloaded from the reporting section is for the past 65 days. 

What’s Included in the Search Terms Report?

The Amazon Sponsored Products Search Terms PPC report, also known as the Amazon Search Terms Report, can be used to optimize product listings and Sponsored ads. It provides data for a given time period that you can use to tailor your campaigns to your business goals and optimize keyword and product targeting for your PPC goals.  

The Search Terms report provides data on search term visibility, giving you insights into the right set of keywords relevant to your product to drive impressions, as well as the unprofitable keywords (negative keywords). You can use this data to optimize advertising campaigns to improve your product targeting for PPC and stop wasting ad spend on low-impact keywords.

Download the Search Terms Report on Amazon

You can access the Search Terms Report in the Advertising Console, under the Reports tab.

Then you have to click on Create report as usually what we do for other reports. 

Use Search Terms Report to Optimize PPC Campaigns

PPC campaigns can be optimized using search term reports. These reports provide a comprehensive list of all the search terms that customers have used to find your ads. Once downloaded, the report allows you to view all search terms in relation to your advertising campaigns. This information can be used to make informed decisions about how to optimize advertising campaigns as well as PPC targeting. 

Search term reports typically contain a large number of keywords. By analyzing this data, you can identify which keywords are profitable and which are not. This allows you to adjust keyword bids based on conversion rate and ACOS percentage. Additionally, search term reports can be easily sorted and filtered to meet your specific needs.

Benefits of Amazon Search Terms Report on Amazon

The Amazon Search Terms Report is a valuable tool for Amazon sellers to optimize their PPC campaigns and improve their business performance. It shows you all of the search terms that customers have used to find your ads, as well as the performance of your ads for those search terms.

Optimize Your Existing PPC Campaigns

To optimize your existing Amazon ad campaigns, start by looking at the Search Terms Report to find the keywords that have multiple conversions and generated sales. Add the best one or two performing keywords to your exact match campaigns. Monitor your rankings for these keywords and optimize campaigns on a weekly basis. Optimize your Amazon product listing with super relevant search terms.

Optimize Your Backend Search Terms 

You can improve your product listings’ visibility by optimizing your backend search terms. Backend keywords are search terms that you include in the back end of your product listings. Customers will never see these terms on your page, but Amazon will use them to rank your product listings. These backend terms are important for helping your product listings appear in more search results.

Adjust Bids

The Amazon Search Term Report is a valuable tool for adjusting your bids in Amazon PPC campaigns. It shows you all of the search terms that customers have used to find your ads, as well as the performance of your ads for those search terms.

Identify High-Performing Keywords

The Amazon Search Term Report shows you which keywords are bringing the most visitors to your product listings. You can use this information to improve your product titles, descriptions, and backend keywords to include these high-performing keywords.

Negative Keyword Management

The Amazon Search Term Report can help you figure out which words and phrases you want your ads to show up for, and which ones you don’t. Negative keywords are words and phrases that you don’t want your ads to show up for, even if they’re related to your products or services.


Throughout this blog post, we have discussed how to optimize campaigns using the Amazon Targeting tab and Search Term report data. We have also emphasized the importance of identifying high-performing keywords, managing negative keywords, and improving your ACOS. This post is intended to help sellers easily optimize their PPC targeting level and products to enhance their business performance. 

We hope you found this post helpful and informative, if yes, please share this post with your friends and the e-commerce community. If you have any questions, please do not forget to mail us at our email address Happy Amazon advertising!

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