Latest Amazon News & Updates: September 2023
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Latest Amazon News & Updates: September 2023

Amazon continues to innovate and provide new features that impact both sellers and buyers. This blog post is all about the Amazon news and updates of September 2023. From 3D content to Amazon Brand Analytics, we have the inside scoop on these remarkable updates.

A quick view into the article:

  • Amazon’s 3D Content
  • Amazon Brand Analytics
  • Improved Manage Returns Tool
  • A/B Testing with Manage Your Experiments
  • Sponsored Product Bids

Amazon’s 3D Content

The latest Amazon update on 3D content, a feature that’s already winning over both customers and sellers. This innovative addition allows customers to do what was once only possible in brick-and-mortar stores – virtually try on shoes, and eyewear, and even visualize how products would fit into their own living spaces. Gone are the days of static images; now, buyers can rotate and zoom in on products from any angle, enabling them to uncover features that might be easily overlooked in traditional product photography.

Creating 3D models may sound complex, but Amazon has made it incredibly accessible for sellers. With just 5 to 10 minutes of your time and the iOS Amazon Seller mobile app, you can scan your product, and Amazon will handle the rest. This service is currently provided at no cost, making it a valuable tool for sellers looking to enhance their listings. For shoppers, this means the ability to virtually try on shoes and see how they look on their feet, providing a more immersive and informed shopping experience. It’s a win-win for all involved.

Amazon Brand Analytics

You’re probably familiar with Amazon Brand Analytics. This tool provides valuable insights, like personalized reports on repeat purchases, customer demographics, and the top customer searches related to your brand. But there’s more – a recent update has taken it to the next level.

With the latest enhancement, you can now navigate to the ASIN View tab, where things get interesting. From here, you have the ability to dive deep into your product catalog, selecting a specific ASIN and honing in on a particular search query. The magic happens when you get to see the top 10 products related to that search query. It’s like having X-ray vision for your product listings.

Now, here’s where it gets really incredible. You can use the data from impressions and clicks to compare your own product listings. This information is a goldmine for shaping your advertising, optimizing your product detail pages, and fine-tuning your pricing strategies. For instance, if you notice a product with high search volume and impressions but lacking in clicks and add-to-carts, you can make informed adjustments, like aligning the product title with popular search terms or employing automated pricing to stand out and encourage more purchases.

Improved Manage Returns Tool

Managing returns can be a hassle for sellers, especially if you have multiple stores on Amazon. In the past, each time a return came in, you had to log in and handle it separately for each store. That meant more time spent navigating the system, which wasn’t very efficient.

But here’s the good news: Amazon has listened to sellers’ concerns and made a big improvement. They’ve updated the Manage Returns tool, and now it’s a whole lot easier to handle returns, especially if you have products listed in multiple stores.

With this update, sellers can now see all customer returns from all their stores in one place – on a single dashboard. This change streamlines the process and saves sellers valuable time. Additionally, you can filter returns by store, so you can focus on the specific returns that matter to you. It’s a welcome change that makes the entire returns process much smoother and more convenient for sellers.

A/B Testing with Manage Your Experiments

With this new update of A/B testing, you can now run A/B tests on single ASINs across multiple stores. In simple terms, it allows you to experiment with different versions of your product listings to see what works best for different regions and audiences. Let’s break it down: you can create variations of your product descriptions or images and see how customers in various regions respond. For example, you could tailor your content to highlight regional preferences or even tie it to special events. Maybe you want to add a brand logo to your A+ Content and see how it’s received in different countries based on your brand’s recognition.

This tool is a powerful way to improve your content and, in turn, boost your sales. By understanding what resonates best with your audience in different areas, you can tailor your listings for maximum impact. It’s a win-win strategy for both sellers and shoppers.

Sponsored Product Bids 

Sponsored product bids – these campaigns are your ticket to promoting essential items like stationery, backpacks, and sports apparel during this busy shopping period. But to supercharge the performance of your campaigns, especially for new product listings (ASINs), consider using a clever strategy called dynamic “down only” bidding. This strategy automatically trims down your bids for clicks that might not turn into sales. 

For instance, if a search query or ad placement doesn’t seem relevant or hasn’t performed well before, this strategy lowers your bid. And the results? They’re impressive! On average, campaigns for newly launched ASINs using dynamic “down only” bidding boast an 18% higher return on ad spend, 7.4% more clicks, and 6.2% more ad-attributed orders compared to campaigns using dynamic “up and down” bidding.  Start using Sponsored product bids today, and witness the results firsthand. It’s your shortcut to more successful back-to-school campaigns!

Final Thoughts

And that was all about the Amazon news and updates of September 2023. These updates promise to bring a fresh perspective to online shopping, offering both sellers and customers exciting new tools and features. As the e-commerce landscape continues to evolve, staying informed about these changes is your key to success. Thank you for joining us, and stay tuned for more insights and updates on the ever-shifting world of online retail.

If you have any queries, please let us know through the comment box or email us at We understand that every situation is different, so we offer a personalized approach to our service.

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