How to Create Amazon A+ Content for KDP Books
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Amazon A+

How to Create Amazon A+ Content for KDP Books

To maximize your book’s visibility and appeal to potential readers, it’s crucial to create compelling Amazon A+ Content for your KDP books. In this volume, we’ll talk about the process of creating Amazon A+ Content for your KDP books.

KDP stands for Kindle Direct Publishing, which is Amazon’s online publishing platform that authors can use to self-publish and sell their books over the web globally. Authors and independent publishers can use KDP to publish and distribute their books in digital format (eBooks) on Amazon’s Kindle store.

Kindle Direct Publishing is’s e-book publishing platform launched in November 2007. In 2016, Amazon also added a paperback option and, in 2021, a hardback (case laminated) option, both using print-on-demand technology.

Amazon’s e-book publishing platform is one of the top self-publishing companies and currently dominates the self-publishing book market. Currently holding at least 80% of the eBook market.

What are the benefits of KDP Book over Amazon A+ Content?

KDP allows self-publishing of e-books, paperbacks, and hardcover books for free. Amazon gives you direct access to your book and allows you to create a product detail page for your book. It also gives you the option to expand the availability of your book globally, making it more accessible to global readers publishing through KDP gives you full rights to your book. By including A+ Content in your book listing, the main benefit is the potential to increase your sales. Here are some of the benefits of using KDP:

  • Global Reach: With KDP, writers can publish their books on Amazon’s Kindle store and reach a massive global audience. The availability of eBooks for purchase and download by readers worldwide increases the audience for a writer’s creations.
  • Self-Publishing Opportunity: Authors may self-publish their books with KDP without getting the help of established publishing organizations.
  • A+ Content: With A+ Content, authors can enhance their book listings with multimedia elements like images and text. This feature allows authors to create more engaging product pages, potentially increasing reader interest and conversion rates.
  • Digital Formate: KDP deals primarily with digital books in Kindle format (eBooks). It allows readers to purchase and download books to read on Kindle devices or through the Kindle app on various devices such as smartphones, tablets, and computers.
  • Royalty Options: KDP provides a royalty option where authors earn a percentage of the sales from their books. The royalty rates may vary depending on factors such as book pricing, distribution methods, and whether the book is part of certain promotional programs.
  • Flexibility in Formats: With KDP, writers may publish in multiple formats: digital for readers to access through Kindle devices or apps, or paperback for readers who want hard copy volumes.

Overall, KDP is a great option for authors who want to publish their books quickly and easily and reach a large audience of readers.

What kind of content can you publish with KDP Books?

Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) primarily focuses on digital and print content for books. Here are the main types of content that you can publish with KDP:

  • Book series
  • Novels
  • Comics
  • Short reads
  • Children’s Books
  • Poetry
  • Journals
  • Textbooks

Create Amazon A+ Content for KDP Books?

As an author on Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), you have the incredible opportunity to reach a vast audience with your books. A+ Content allows you to showcase your work in a more visually appealing and informative way, providing an enhanced shopping experience for potential readers.

Before you create A+ Content, review the A+ Content Guidelines. Amazon has specific terms and policies regarding types of content that may not be allowed, so review these carefully.

Step 1: Log in to KDP:

When you can create A+ Content from the KDP Marketing page. First, Sign in to your KDP account.

Step 2: Access A+ Content Manager:

Go to your KDP dashboard, find a book you want to market, and click the button that says “Promote and Advertise”.

  1. Scroll down a bit, and you’ll see the A+ Content section.
  2. Choose a marketplace.

Then you just click the button “Manage A+ Content” and you will be redirected to this page:

In the top-right corner, click the “Start creating A+ content” button.

You will then be routed to the Content Details page, where you may generate the A+ material you require. There is a lot of flexibility regarding what you can put down here, so feel free to play around and see what’s possible.

Step 3: Choose A+ Content Modules

  1. Explore Available Modules: Review recommended modules with book descriptions, author bios, comparison charts, and endorsements from authors.
  1. Select Modules: Choose the modules that best suit your marketing strategy. Consider what information will resonate most with your target audience.

Step 4: Populate Content

  1. Add Compelling Text: For each selected module, add engaging and informative text. Craft a compelling book description, introduce yourself in the author’s biography, and highlight key features in the comparison chart.
  1. Include Visual Elements: Enhance your content with high-quality images. Upload your book cover, author photo, and any relevant graphics that enhance the overall presentation.

Step 5: Preview and Edit

  1. Preview Your A+ Content: Use the preview feature to see how your A+ Content will appear to potential readers. Ensure that the layout is visually appealing and all elements are correctly displayed.
  1. Make Edits as Needed: If you notice any issues during the preview, go back and make the necessary edits. This could include adjusting text, resizing images, or refining the overall layout.

Step 5: Apply ASINs

  1. Input ASINs: In this section, you can search for your book, or directly input your ASIN. Once that’s done, you’ll be able to add the A+ content you’ve created to as many books as you want. Make sure it matches properly.

Step 6: Submit for Review

  1. Review Guidelines: Before submitting, review Amazon’s A+ Content guidelines to ensure your content complies with their policies.
  1. Submit for Approval: Once you are satisfied with your A+ Content, submit it for review. Amazon’s team will assess it for compliance and overall quality.

Step 7: Monitor Performance

  1. Track Metrics: After approval, monitor the performance of your A+ Content. Keep an eye on metrics such as click-through rates and conversions to gauge its effectiveness.
  1. Make Adjustments: Based on performance data, consider making adjustments to your A+ Content to optimize its impact over time.

Finally, Creating Amazon A+ Content for your KDP books is a powerful way to attract and engage readers. By following this step-by-step guide, you can enhance your book listings, increase discoverability, and ultimately boost sales. Take advantage of the opportunity to showcase your writing in a visually appealing and informative manner, making a lasting impression on potential readers.

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