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Amazon PPC

FAQ’s For Hiring An Amazon PPC Agency | 2024

Hiring an Amazon PPC expert agency can be a disaster if you hire the wrong one. You can end up losing a ton of money and it can destroy your entire account. As you know,  hiring the right agency is most important for your business and account growth.  Because based on your decision depends on your account and business growth future.  But there are a few simple questions that if you ask you can avoid all of this situation and make the right choice for your account.

In this blog, we will walk you through every single one of those questions and make sure to ask every single one even though you don’t want to make sure to ask every single one because it will save you a lot of time energy, and pain if you hire the wrong agency.

1. What Is An Amazon PPC Agency?

Amazon agency can be any agency that helps brands on Amazon. An Amazon agency is similar to a marketing firm or agency. An Amazon agency is made up of experts in the field of marketing, specifically marketing on Amazon.  The role of the agency is to support business owners in making the most of the Amazon platform and securing as many sales as possible. 

They could be doing different tasks including –

  • Advertising And PPC Management:  Expertise in Amazon’s advertising platform is crucial. Agencies develop and manage pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns, sponsored products, and brand ads to increase exposure and sales.
  • DSP: A demand-side platform, or DSP, is a unified network where users can purchase ad placements that can be served all over the internet.
  • Creatives (A+): A+ Content helps bring your brand’s story to life by adding videos, enhanced images, shoppable product-comparison charts, and more to your product detail pages.
  • Inventory management: Inventory management is the process of organizing and maintaining stock on its way through a supply chain. Whether you sell portable phone chargers, gourmet pickles, or high-end cosmetics, having the right inventory process in place to meet demand can help keep your business running smoothly, increase customer satisfaction, and avoid profit loss.
  • SEO: Amazon search engine optimization (SEO) refers to several strategies you can use to improve product and brand visibility in Amazon search results.
  • Brand Protection: Amazon brand protection refers to the strategies and actions taken by brand owners to safeguard their brand presence and intellectual property, and prevent unauthorized use or infringement of their brand on the Amazon marketplace. 
  • Account Health: As a third-party seller, you need to agree to and follow certain guidelines imposed by Amazon. One requirement is to comply with metrics at certain levels, which is known as Account Health. There are many metrics you need to meet to continue selling on Amazon; failing to comply will lead to a warning, account suspension, or if not corrected, the dreaded account removal. 

There are so many things that they could some agencies are specialists. So they specialize in things like creatives or PPC. We provide full account management services.  So basically we have a suite of resources like PPC DSP creatives reviews all of those kinds of things and that’s what Ecomclips is right now it’s a full-service agency that helps brands on Amazon across all.

When using an Amazon agency, the business owner retains complete control over the product listings, logistics, and visibility of your brand on Amazon. An Amazon agency is an alternative to hiring an internal marketing expert. Using an agency is often a much lower cost option and allows the business owner to still make decisions for themselves. 

2. Pros And Cons Of Hiring An Amazon Agency

The world’s largest online retailer, Amazon, has become a major player in the e-commerce industry. With millions of products being listed on the platform every day, it can be overwhelming for sellers to navigate and effectively market their products. This is where Amazon marketing agencies come in. For everything, there are some pros and cons. We will discuss the pros and cons of hiring an Amazon agency.

a) Pros Of Hiring An Amazon Agency

  • They know What They Are Doing: They have a target and strategy for the account. They know the work well as they have the experience to work with different types of produce over the Amazon
  • The Account Scale Father: They can grow the account faster as they have expertise in Amazon’s marketplace and algorithms. They know the Amazon mechanism that’s why they know what to do to grow the account.
  • You Can Get A full team:  At a time you can able to get the whole team for your account. On the team, there will be different people with different site expertise. One person can be a strategist, one person can be a PPC manager,  one person can be creative, one person can be expert on giving discounts and coupons things like that and it will probably cost you the same as one full-time employee also agencies have been there and done.
  • They Have Lots Of Knowledge And Experience: They’ve worked on a lot of different accounts. So they’ve had a lot of experience with a lot of different accounts. They’ve seen a lot of different things and they can apply that knowledge to your brand. Also working on a lot of different brands they’re in touch with so many different things that are happening on Amazon and they’re probably going to catch it a lot faster than you will all right.
  • Better Knowledge Of Amazon’s best Practices And Policies: As they are expert in doing the work they have proper knowledge of Amazon policies. They can save you money on different things.
  • Access To Tools And Technology To Streamline And Automate Processes: They have proper knowledge of different tools and they have different software to make the work more efficient.

b) Cons Of Hiring An Amazon Agency

  • It Costs Money: They’re going to cost you money and sometimes they could cost you a lot of money. Especially if they’re the wrong hire working with the wrong agency can screw your account.
  • Wrong Agency: If you choose the wrong agency and they are handling your account it can be a duster for your account. So be careful for hiring an agency.
  • Less Quality Control: They can assign you a junior account manager who doesn’t know what they’re doing there could be no quality control and you could end up losing a lot of money. So make sure to follow along because the questions we are going to tell you are going to help you identify those agencies.

    3. FAQs For Hiring A Amazon PPC Expert

    As a PPC expert agency, we face at least 5 to 10 interviews every day. We will share some of our experience as a PPC expert on what types of questions we face and how we approach them.  Also as a seller, this is important for you how you should consider this while hiring your next account manager. 

    a) How To Improve A Single Keyword Campaign With Low CVR and TOS?

    A single keyword exact match campaign being on a highly relevant keyword is okay. However the severe on top of search is bad. So what should be your strategy? Okay, first let me tell you how the top of search placement works so if I go to and let’s search with a random keyword like “wallet for men”

    So here on the search result page, the first row of the first page is considered the top of the search placement. So if you are bidding on top of search placement that means you are bidding to show your product on the first row of the first page. So, it’s common that you should have a higher bits rate for top-of-search placement and that is why you have to optimize your campaigns most effectively. So that,  you will have the best return on top of the search. Now if we go to one of our campaigns let’s open this campaign and let’s go into the placement.

    Here you can see my placement performance for the last 30 days and here for top-of-search first-page placement my CTR rate is the highest compared to other placements and you can see the performance also like I got 482 units of orders with 49.06% ACOS from top of the search.  For the rest of the search, the order units are very very low compared to the top of the search and also the ACOS are higher rather than the top of the search placement. You can see the conversion rate like my click was 1,039  and after that, I got 482 units of orders from the top of search placement means almost every two clicks we got one order. But for the rest of the search, my performance was not that good even though you can see the CPC is higher for the top of the search the conversion rate was very good.

    However, if you experience a bad conversion rate on top of search placement. You need to check the CTR rate if the CTR rate is high that means your PPC is doing well. This means that your product is appearing against the keyword and people are also clicking on the product. But somehow they are not purchasing your product and in that case, you should consider improving your listing quality.

    For example, people are clicking on your product. But they are not purchasing maybe you are not offering like competitive price or maybe you have some review ratings that are bad recently. Also maybe your images are A+ pages (the descriptions pages)  are not up to the mark. That’s why people are not getting that much interest in purchasing your product. If this is the case then you should consider reoptimizing your listing and try to offer a competitive price. If possible you can offer some discount also so I hope this way you can have a better conversion rate.

    b) How To Manage The Performance Of Long Tail Keywords Campaigns?

    So Road broader keyword means it’s a bit lengthy but it’s highly relevant to the product. In that case, there is less chance of getting negative search terms for those keywords. But I would consider checking at least once a week the search terms report and finding out if there are any negative or irrelevant search terms.

    Anyway, there is another benefit of using the Road levels broader keyword let me show you. If I go to Amazon let’s pick a random ASIN and go to Helium 10 Cerebro. Let’s run this ASIN.

    So from here if I sort with the highest search volume you can see that all all the highest search volume keywords are very short and generic keywords.

    when you go deeper you will find some highly relevant and also a bit lengthy keyword this is called the Road level broader keyword.

    So compared to the generic keyword road level broader keywords will have less search volume and that’s the plus point you have the highly relevant keywords. Also, the search volume is not as high as the medium search volume. So there will be less competition to rank your product easily. You will have to spend a very small amount of money and you may get the organic and sponsored rank easily. By using the root level broader keyword you just need to do you need to check the rank every day and adjust your bids based on that

    c) Right Optimizing Preparation For Prime Day To Maximize Results?

    Prime Day is a big event on Amazon. So in our agency, we always be prepared at least two months before the Prime Day event and by this time we share the plan of action and strategy with our clients about what they should do and what we will do during the Prime Day.

    Let me give you an example, This is one of our plans of action for the Prime Day event. So normally we start getting prepared at least two months before the Prime Day event and during that time we prioritize inventory planning deal suggestions and the PPC strategy for what we will do during Prime Day. 

    So when it comes to inventory planning most Amazon sellers source their products from China and as you know during the prime day, you will have a higher visibility on your product and you will also get the highest sales compared to any other month of the year. 

    I) Inventory: So you need to have a higher inventory for your product that is why if you have a lower inventory or maybe that is not enough for Prime Day, you just need to consider restocking your product before Prime Day. So you should consider these things at least 2 months before Prime Day by this time you will get enough time to restock your items if any of them have lower inventory.

    II) Deals: The next one is deals if you offer Prime Day deals-based deals or lightening deals for your items during Prime Day you can easily attract customers to purchase your product so you should consider offering some deals and discounts during Prime Day.

    Here you can consider both your highest-selling items on your account and also you can offer some discounts for your lowest-selling items. So you can try to sell them more during this event.

    III) Optimizing Your Campaigns During Prime Week: Optimizing your campaigns during Prime Week you may experience some higher traffic to your listings before the Prime Day event but you may experience less conversion rate during that time this is common actually because that time people will come to Amazon and they will just visit several items scrolling them checking the products what they will purchase during the prime day so that is why you may have some higher visibility but less conversion rate before the Prime Day event but you should not reduce the budget or bits rate for your campaigns at that time.

    Similarly, after ending the Prime Day event you will have less traffic for your listings. For a few days and this is also common. So that time you can reduce the budget and bid rate for your Campaigns. Lastly, you must put in the highest budget as much as possible. So that your campaign will not get out of budget during the Prime Day event and then after one or two weeks of the Prime Day, you can consider creating some new campaigns like display remarketing. So that you can retarget the customers who visited your products during the Prime Day.

    d) Which KPI Needs To Be Followed To Optimize SP, SB, and SD Campaigns?

    Which KPIs you are looking for when you are optimizing a sponsor product exact match campaign and which ones when you are optimizing a sponsored brand video campaign normally for any advertising campaigns we prefer to check always the ACOS. 

    I) Sponsored Products Exact Campaigns: When it comes to any special campaign like an exact match type sponsor product campaign. Then the KPI should be different because if you create any exact match type sponsor product campaign the goal should be to rank your product for that particular keyword.  So how you will get the keywords when you start getting good sales from PPC with those keywords Amazon will gradually give the organic rank for that particular keyword. So what is the most important KPI here conversion rate right. So for the sponsored product exact match type campaigns you should always focus on the conversion rate if you are converting well then you will get easily the organic Rank.

    II) Sponsored Brand Video Ads: If you run any sponsored brand video ads that means you are looking for customer attraction. Nowadays Amazon is offering so many metrics for sponsor brand video ads. Especially,  if I go to the Amazon campaign manager Tab and from here can see the columns if you click on customize columns there are some options you will get that are available only for the sponsored brand video ads.

    • Video fast quartile 
    • Video midpoint 
    • Video third quarter
    • Video complete 
    • Video unmute 
    • View Through Rate which is called VTR 
    • Click Through Rate for views VCTR


    These all metrics are available for sponsored brand video ads. So from this matrix, you will get data like how many people are viewing your video fully and how many of them may have viewed the first half you will get these types of data. Also after that how many of them are clicking on your ads and how many of them are purchasing your product you will get this all data with this matrix. So if you run any sponsor brand video ads you should follow these metrics and you should prioritize them.

    Here, at Ecomclips, we have been helping many Amazon sellers boost their sales and capture the market share with both PPC and organic SEO. If you need any help boosting your Amazon sales or making growth on your brand, please don’t hesitate to mail us at our email address Also, if you need an Amazon store or account audit for both PPC Ads and listings SEO, you can let us know via our email address, and we will provide you with a free account audit.

    As an Amazon advertising agency, we have a dedicated Amazon Ads Certified expert team who can build an Amazon advertising strategy for your account whether it’s a newly launched or a running Amazon brand to build traffic and conversion.

    Additionally, if you need any assistance, please reach out to us through the comment box. We are here to assist you in managing PPC advertisements to improve your profit, so we offer a personalized approach to our service.

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