Elevate Your E-commerce Game with Powerful 15 types of  Product Images
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Elevate Your E-commerce Game with Powerful 15 types of  Product Images

In the competitive world of Amazon, exciting product images can make all the difference in converting random viewers into customers. Let’s explore some image types that can significantly boost your conversion rates and click-through rates, enhancing the visibility of your Amazon listing. Also, this theory works with other platforms too.

We are going to share with you, 15 Types of Amazon Images that convert more sales. Below we are going to discuss these images with examples.

1. Multiple Use Call-Out Images:

Highlight the contrasting features of your products with images that show their versatility. 

For this flask image, demonstrate how a flask can hold both hot and cold liquids for extended periods. For the vacuum cleaner image its strong USP is it is suitable for any surface. Ensure the product is properly framed and visible, allowing shoppers to grasp its key features effortlessly.

2. Scannable Infographics:

Reduce the amount of text and focus on highlighting important details in a simple-to-understand way to avoid information overload and keep interest. 

A scannable infograph could be a great option. Use infographics to instantly capture customers’ attention in the fast-moving world of today by providing key information at a glance. 

3. Main Image Props:

Add some props to your main product image to make it look better. When people look at products on Amazon, they’re more likely to notice yours if it stands out.

In the first image, they put vanilla and shadows on the protein shake pot to make it more interesting. In another image, there’s a splash under the serum bottle, making it look even cooler. These little additions can make a big difference in catching people’s eyes

4. Show the Packaging:

Displaying product packaging alongside the main product can draw attention to key features or points highlighted on the packaging. A cool packaging picture can make your product stand out when people search for it, making more people want to buy it.

5. Showing Everything:

For products with multiple components or accessories, showcase them together in one image. This comprehensive view helps shoppers understand what they’ll receive with their purchase, increasing click-through rates and sales.

6. Showing All the Variations:

Showcase product variations, such as color options, in a visually appealing manner.

Make it easier for shoppers to find what they want without searching for a long time, making shopping simpler for them. They can see all the colors at a glance and make a purchase decision.

7. Add Color:

Enhance the visual appeal of your images by adding color, making your products stand out in the competition.
Add color, especially in transparent products. Vibrant colors bring products to life and attract attention. Human likes colorful things. Try to make your listing image and main image as colorful as possible. But be sure, to keep your product color real. Don’t oversaturate the product color. 

8. Zoom into Product Details:

Provide shoppers with a closer look at product features and quality by zooming into specific details.

Showing off the detailed design or unique selling points can make shoppers feel confident about your product and show how it stands out from the competition.

9. Our vs. Other Comparison:

Show how your product is better than others by comparing them side by side. Talk about what makes your product special and different, making it easier for customers to choose.

10. Dimension and Sizes:

Add images with size dimensions so customers can see how big the product is. Showing how it fits into daily life can help people decide if it’s right for them. It will keep your product retern rate low. Customers will get the product as they expect.

11. Size and Weight Reference:

Present weight and size references in an easy-to-understand format. In these two images, customers can use this information to figure out a product’s strength or capacity, which helps them choose the best option for their needs.

12. Before and After Image:

Demonstrate the advantages of your product through before-and-after images.

Show how your product helps by using pictures that compare before and after. This shows how well it works and can make people trust it more.

13. Lifestyle Image:

Use lifestyle photos of your product in use to create interest in the customer you are targeting. Ensure that the image reflects the interests and lifestyle of your target customer. Showing lifestyles helps your shopper to engage with the images and showing how to use the product can help increase your conversion rates.

14. Show How to Use Images:

Help customers understand how to use your product with simple pictures that show instructions. This makes people trust the product more, which means more people will buy it.

15. 3D Rendered Images:

Give customers a real look at your product from all sides using really good 3D pictures. You can capture their attention and increase conversion rates by highlighting inside elements and small details. This immersive experience helps customers better understand your product’s features and benefits, making them more confident in their purchasing decisions.


Including these types of images in your Amazon listing can make a big difference. They help more people see your products, get interested, and buy them. Keep in mind that high-quality images are more than simply attractive; they can significantly impact an online product’s sale in a market where several competitors are offering comparable products.

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