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How To Rank #1 Keywords On Amazon  | Ranked Your Keywords Organically On Amazon

Did you know that Amazon PPC could help you organically rank your product on page 1 on Amazon? Amazon’s organic rank plays a vital role in long-term business on Amazon. Amazon organic keywords rank refers to where your product appears in Amazon’s search results for a specific keyword without any paid ads for that particular keyword. Doesn’t it sound cool? That you will get sales organically without any pay. But for that, you will need to rank your keywords organically on Amazon. Improving your organic rank is crucial because higher-ranked products get more visibility, clicks, and sales. Also, it will help you to improve your product’s BSR rank in your product category.

In this blog, we will discuss how you can improve your keyword organic rank with the help of PPC strategies.

1. What Is Amazon’s Organic Rank

The most important aspect of selling on Amazon is understanding how Amazon rankings work. With higher rankings, products are prioritized higher in searches, leading to more views and greater purchasing likelihood. If you are an Amazon seller you will need to rank keywords organically as much as possible on Amazon’s 1st page. Rank keywords organically means your ads will show on Amazon’s top page without any pay-for that ad you will not need to pay anything.2 types of factors work for rank keywords organically on Amazon.

For example – If you search on Amazon by “food grade peppermint oil” this keyword. When your ads will show here that means your organic rank is good for this keyword. This is the way you can rank your other keywords as much as possible.

There are some direct and indirect factors involved in organic rankings of a product on Amazon.
Check the following details.

  • Direct Factors / Amazon Ranking
  • Indirect Factors / Amazon Ranking

a) Direct Factors For Ranking Keywords On Amazon

  • Availability: Need to make sure your product has enough stock available on the inventory and there will be no chance of getting out of stock. If your item becomes out of stock, it will drop out of the search rankings
  • Price: Maintaining a competitive price for your item allows you to stay competitive with the market over thousands of competitors. It ensures your item stays relevant.
  • Text Relevance: Needs to make sure that your product is easily searchable. Because shoppers need to be able to find your item quickly. For this, your listings should have appropriate keywords, and utilize a “long-tail” title that maximizes upon appropriate search terms.  
  • Sales Velocity: Need to make sure you are getting proper sales for your item. The more items you sell, the more items you will sell. As items trend, they will rank higher in searches.  

b) Indirect Factors For Ranking Keywords On Amazon

  • Fulfillment Type(FBA or FBM): Your products are fulfilled by Amazon or Merchant. If your fulfillment is FBM you need to make sure of faster shipping and need to maintain other criteria for prime eligibility. The power of Prime is hard to ignore. Amazon forces ranks items that are prime eligible, and users are more inclined to select 2-day free shipping.
  • Reviews: Good quality reviews it’s important to gain customer trust. Poorly reviewed products are seldom purchased. Listings with higher reviews (3/5 stars and up), are more likely to be purchased, resulting in higher sales velocity.  
  • Images: Good and well-described images help customers make up their minds about purchases. Images have a huge influence on a shopper’s decision to buy. Great-looking, high-quality images help customers feel confident in their purchase.  
  • A+ Content: Needs your product listing optimized with enhanced brand content. Rich pictures, interactive information, and links. and bulleted features, all become available with EBC(Enhanced Brand Content) and A+ Content. Conversion rates are shown to increase by as much as 50% with these content optimizations. 
  • Advertising: Needs to make sure you are running Sponsored Products ads.   Increase sales velocity and sales rank through Amazon Sponsored Ads that help put your product in front of interested customers.  
  • Promotions: Running different types of promotions like  Bundles, discounts, and deals are a great way to drive sales.  

2. Why Ranking For Organic Keywords Is Important On Amazon?

Rank keywords organically play an important role for Amazon sellers for long-term business on Amazon. Organic keyword ranks are important because they are targeted. Organic search traffic is also free. The traffic that comes from organic keywords is extremely important for attracting unpaid traffic and increasing your product’s visibility on the Amazon search page. Keyword rankings are important because higher-ranking pages get more organic search traffic. That’s because 75.1% of all clicks go to the top three organic results and 31.73% of clicks go to the top-ranking page. That’s why it’s very important to rank on page one on Amazon to get a lot of sales. Here are some examples that if you rank your keywords organically from  the metric will be improved:

a) What Does It Mean By Organic Sales On Amazon:

Organic sales refer to sales generated from non-paid search results on Amazon. These sales occur when customers find and purchase your product through organic search listings rather than through paid advertisements. For an ideal item, we recommended a PPC and organic sales ratio of 50%: 50%. If from any item you are getting higher sales from PPC, that means you are doing well organically for that particular item. 

b) What Is TACoS In Amazon Advertising? 

If you can improve your organic rank it will help to get more sales organically without paid. If you can have more sales organically it will help you to lower your TACOS. As much as lower TACOS means you are making more profit. So if you can rank as much as keywords organically it will help you to get more profit without paying and it will help to lower your TACOS.

3. How Do CTR & CVR Help In Amazon KW Ranking?

Click-Through Rate (CTR) and Conversion Rate (CVR) are crucial metrics in Amazon’s algorithm that can directly impact your product’s search ranking and visibility. High CTR and CVR help most rank keywords faster and more smoothly. So good CTR and CVR are important to rank keywords on Amazon. Here are some factors that influence keyword rank.

If you want to improve your CTR and CVR you need to work on your item’s main page. Based on the main images customers will decide whether they will click on your items or not. So you can understand the importance of the main image of your products. If you can trigger your customer by the main images it will help you to improve the CTR and CVR. 

a) Upgrade Your Main Image On Amazon To Improve CTR

CTR measures the percentage of users who click on your ad after seeing it. It’s calculated by dividing the number of clicks by the number of impressions you have got for certain keywords or items. Here are some factors for CTR influence in keyword rank.

Higher CTR Indicates Relevance: Amazon’s algorithm indicates a high Click-Through Rate (CTR) as a signal of relevance and interest. When your ad receives more clicks compared to other listings for the same search query, Amazon analyzes that your product is more relevant to the user’s search intent. 

This interpretation guides Amazon in determining which listings to prioritize in search results, as relevance and user engagement are key factors in their ranking algorithm. Therefore, optimizing your campaigns to achieve a higher CTR can significantly improve your product’s visibility and performance on the platform.

Improved Click Velocity: Click velocity refers to the rate at which your listing receives clicks. A sudden spike in Click-Through Rate (CTR) can signal increased interest in your product. This enhanced interest prompts Amazon to boost your product’s visibility in search results. Essentially, the more clicks your listing receives, especially in a short period, the more likely Amazon is to prioritize it in search rankings.

Enhanced Performance: Higher Click-Through Rate (CTR) often leads to improved ad performance metrics. This includes increased sales and lower Advertising Cost of Sales (ACOS). Amazon rewards ads with strong performance metrics by prioritizing them in search rankings. In simple terms, when your ad gets more clicks, it’s more likely to appear higher in search results, resulting in better visibility and potentially more sales at a lower advertising cost.

b) Impacts Of Conversion Rate On Amazon Ranking

CVR measures the percentage of users who complete a desired action, like making a purchase, after clicking on your ad. To calculate CVR, divide the number of conversions (e.g., sales) by the number of clicks. In simpler terms, it shows how many people buy something after clicking on your ad. Here are some factors for CVR influence in keyword rank.

Direct Impact on Sales: A high Conversion Rate (CVR) means that a lot of people who clicked on your ad ended up making a purchase. Amazon likes this because it shows that your product is selling well, which is good for providing a positive shopping experience for customers. In simple terms, when more people buy your product after clicking on your ad, Amazon sees it as a good thing and may prioritize your product in search results.

Increased Sales Velocity: Sales velocity refers to how quickly your product sells well. When your Conversion Rate (CVR) is high, meaning lots of people buy your product after clicking on your ad, it contributes to a faster sales velocity. This faster sales velocity can then help boost your product’s ranking in search results on Amazon. In simple terms, when your product sells quickly, Amazon sees it as popular and may show it to more people in search results.

Positive Feedback Loop: When you have both a high Click-Through Rate (CTR) and Conversion Rate (CVR), it creates a positive feedback loop. A strong CTR gets more clicks, and a high CVR turns those clicks into sales. This cycle makes your product look more relevant and popular to Amazon. As a result, Amazon will rank your product higher over time because it sees it as more relevant and popular. In simple terms, more clicks and more sales mean Amazon likes your product more and may show it to more people.

4. How You Can Rank Keywords Organically?

You can rank on page one using PPC, but the problem is it’s gonna charge you. The cost per click is going to be very high. When you’re on page one, it’s a bidding. So the way that the bidding works is if you’re at the bottom of page one, you’re gonna pay a little bit less than the person who’s in the middle. who’s gonna pay a little bit less than the person who’s on the top, because the top is the highest bidder. There are some steps to make sure to rank keywords organically.

  • Keywords research
  • Listing Optimization
  • Run Ads

a) Keyword Research For Ranking Keywords On Amazon

For keyword research, there are lots of tools but we will use Helium 10 for the keyword research. For this keyword research, I will put one of item main keywords “food grade peppermint oil”

Now I’m going to use X-Ray Products Research and show the top 10 competitors for this keyword.

It’s showing me all the competitors. I’m going to sort by revenue and I’m going to choose the top 10 competitors 

Now I will pick those top 10 competitors and run it in Cerebro. Now, when I run it in Cerebro.

It’s going to give me every single keyword that all of those competitors rank for. But that’s going to be too broad. It’s probably gonna be 43,542 keywords.

I don’t want to show any keyword that’s ranked more than position 50. Beyond position 50, it’s not that important. I also don’t want to show anything that has less than 1000 searches a month. 

So now I’m gonna have a hit list of 50 keywords and those are the most important 50 keywords that I wanna rank for. So you can see the top highest search volume and most relevant keywords.

There is another way to this keyword research which is Search Query performance. For this, you have to go to the seller center then You’re going to open brand analytics.

Then search for the search query performance report. Here you will find the below tab

Here will show you all of your keywords and how many impressions you’re getting for those keywords, how many clicks, how many add-to carts, and how many sales. 

Here we can see a how an overview of Amazon Search Funnel Click dashboard

Here we can see a how an overview of Amazon Search Funnel Purchase dashboard

So I’m looking for the keywords I have the highest purchase share on. Which means I’m converting amazing for those keywords. So people are coming into the listing from those keywords and I’m converting a lot. 

To identify opportunities for improving organic rank, cross-check keywords with high purchase share against their organic rank. Focus on keywords with low organic rank but high search volume (e.g., 2,000+ searches/month) to maximize impact. Keywords already ranking high (top 5 or 10) offer less potential for significant gains. Use data from Helium 10 and the search query performance report to compile your list.

b) Listing Optimization For Ranking Keyword On Amazon

We have the list of keywords from the helium 10 and the search query performance report. Now our target will be to place those keywords in different places in our listing. Following

  • Optimize Title & Bullet points: On the title, you need to put the more relevant and high search volume keywords in the exact phrases. When we put any keywords in the exact format on the title the SEO works well for that keyword rank. Also, it will help to improve the CTR and increase product visibility. For my item, I have put the good keywords in the exact format like “Food Grade Essential Oil” Also this way you can add the main feature as a bullet point title.
  • Backend SEO field (Generic KW, Search Terms). Also for items, there are some generic keywords that we can’t add directly on the title or front end. However, Amazon allows us to add keywords on the backend. You can add up to 500 characters on the product backend search term and generic keywords option.

  • Main Image: The main image is one of the most crucial elements of your Amazon product listing. It significantly impacts the Click-Through Rate (CTR), as it’s the first impression potential customers have of your product. You can modify your images using high search and product main keywords on the images. It will help you to boost the CTR of your listing.

  • Brand Story & A+ page: Brand Story and A+ Content are powerful tools on Amazon that help differentiate your product, build brand recognition, and drive higher conversion rates. You can post on your Amazon page to showcase your items using some high-search and product-relevant keywords. It will help your SEO to boost visibility and CVR also help your keywords rank easily.
  • Alt Text: Alt Text (alternative text) is a brief description of an image that helps search engines and visually impaired users understand the content of the image. While Amazon doesn’t make alt text directly visible to customers, it can still play a crucial role in improving your product’s searchability and overall SEO performance. As per Amazon policy for 1 single image, you can add up to 100 characters. It will help you to expand your keywords SEO areas and increase index keywords for your item.

c) Advertising For Ranking Keyword On Amazon

Running effective ads on Amazon is crucial for driving traffic, increasing sales, and improving your product’s visibility. So here is the most important task to utilize all of the things in 1 place. For these ads, you have to have a clear mindset and plan step by step process. But before you do that, you want to make sure that you’re tracking, right? Because you don’t want to just spend money on ads and not know what’s going on. So what you’re going to need is to build a tracker.  To track the data to make sure you are improving on the rank. For this ad part here are some steps that you need to maintain.

  • One Campaign and One  Ad Group: To effectively manage a PPC campaign on Amazon, you can start with a single campaign and one ad group. This approach allows you to focus your efforts and budget on a specific set of products and keywords, making it easier to monitor performance and make adjustments. It will allow you to control the spending and the performance as well. Also, it will be easier to track the performance and make adjustments.
  • Budget: Effectively managing your budget for an Amazon PPC campaign is crucial for maximizing your return on investment (ROI) Budget is the most important factor for performance. From our experience, we have noticed when you see t high budget your campaigns get proper spending and traffic. Also on the same bids when the budget is low, the CPC and traffic are low but when you increase the budget with the same bits the traffic increases dramatically. So you have to set at least a $200 daily budget for your campaigns.
  • Keywords:  Creating an effective keyword strategy is essential for the success of your Amazon PPC campaigns. Keywords determine when your ads will appear in search results and play a significant role in driving relevant traffic to your product listings. You have to add limited keywords for your campaigns. Also need to make sure you are putting the right and products relevant keywords that are visible on your product title. It will help you to rank easily. You can add 1-5 keywords max at a time with Exact match type. For more keywords, you can create 2 more broad campaigns for all of the keywords(50).
  • Time Frame: When managing PPC campaigns on Amazon, it’s crucial to understand the appropriate time frames for launching, monitoring, and optimizing your campaigns to ensure sustained performance and maximum return on investment (ROI). For rank, your keywords need to make sure to run with keep at the top for 4 weeks. After reaching organic rank 5-10 keep sponsored rank at the top for 4 weeks. After that reduce ad spend gradually but make sure your keyword’s organic rank is stable.

5. Does PPC Negative KW Affect Amazon Organic Ranking?

Negative keywords do not directly impact your product’s rank on Amazon’s search results pages. Unlike regular keywords, which help Amazon’s algorithm understand the relevance of your product to specific search queries, negative keywords are used to prevent your ads from being displayed for irrelevant or low-converting search terms. Here are some factor that impacts and work negative keywords.

a) Filtering Irrelevant Traffic from Amazon ads campaign

Negative keywords act as filters to prevent your ads from showing up for search queries that are not relevant to your product. By excluding irrelevant terms, you can focus your ad spend on more qualified traffic, improving your ad performance metrics such as click-through rate (CTR) and conversion rate. Also, it will help you to reduce your wasted spending.

b) Negative keywords Strategy To Improve Amazon Keywords Ranking

By using negative keywords effectively, you can ensure that your ads are only displayed to users who are more likely to be interested in your product. This can lead to higher ad relevance and improved ad performance, which indirectly affects factors like Quality Score and Ad Rank.

c) Enhancing ROI By Using Amazon Search Term Properly

Avoiding irrelevant search terms through negative keywords can help optimize your advertising budget by reducing wasted spend on clicks that are unlikely to result in conversions. This can lead to a better return on investment (ROI) for your advertising campaigns.
Avoiding irrelevant search terms through negative keywords can help optimize your advertising budget by reducing wasted spend on clicks that are unlikely to result in conversions. This can lead to a better return on investment (ROI) for your advertising campaigns.


Want to hit #1 on Amazon? It starts with understanding the platform’s algorithm, focusing on relevance, performance, and engagement. Dive into thorough keyword research to find those golden terms that’ll boost your product’s visibility. Once you’ve got your keywords, make sure to weave them strategically throughout your listings. Amazon advertising is a big help here, boosting visibility and sales. Keep an eye on key metrics like CTR to fine-tune your strategy.

Here, at Ecomclips, we have been helping many Amazon sellers boost their sales and capture the market share with both PPC and organic SEO. If you need any help boosting your Amazon sales or making growth on your brand, please don’t hesitate to mail us at our email address Also, if you need an Amazon store or account audit for both PPC Ads and listings SEO, you can let us know via our email address, and we will provide you with a free account audit.

As an Amazon advertising agencywe have a dedicated Amazon Ads Certified expert team who can build an Amazon advertising strategy for your account whether it’s a newly launched or a running Amazon brand to build traffic and conversion.

Additionally, if you need any assistance, please reach out to us in the comment box. We are here to assist you in managing PPC advertisements to improve your profit, so we offer a personalized approach to our service.

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