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Amazon Prime Day Preparation Checklist | 2024

Last year 2023, Amazon Prime Day was a huge success, with more than 375 million items purchased worldwide, Prime day sales was 12.7 Billion and over $2.5 billion saved thanks to stellar Prime Day deals and discounts. Amazon Prime Day 2024 has the potential to be even larger with eager shoppers looking to save big. This year is a crucial time to get in front of new customers in the competitive Amazon Marketplace.

In this blog, we will discuss Amazon Prime Day Seller Preparation and provide a checklist to ensure ready for this top sales event.

1. What Is Amazon Prime Day?

Prime Day is Amazon’s deal event exclusively for Prime members, featuring personalized deals and top brands. The event came to life for customers on July 15, 2015, as a way to celebrate Prime members on Amazon’s 20th birthday.

Prime Day Sales and Statistics from 2023:

  • 2023 Prime Day Sales: $12.7 billion
  • Current Prime Members: 220 million
  • Countries with Prime Availability: 25

Prime Day is a goldmine for Amazon sellers, but competition is strong. Amazon Prime Day is one of the biggest events of the year. The Top advantage is that:

“More traffic = More potential sales + the chance to increase brand awareness.”

Let’s break it down:

  • More Traffic: During Amazon Prime Day, Amazon experiences a significant increase in visitors, often looking for deals and discounts. This increased traffic translates to a larger audience viewing products.
  • More Potential Sales: With more people visiting the site, the likelihood of making sales increases. This is especially true for well-positioned products with competitive pricing and appealing deals.
  • Chance to Increase Brand Awareness: Even if visitors don’t make a purchase, the increased visibility can help in building brand recognition. Shoppers may come across brands they weren’t previously aware of, which can lead to future sales and customer loyalty.

By understanding these advantages, sellers can create a comprehensive strategy to take advantage of Amazon Prime Day benefits.

If you want to know about Prime membership costs, shopping benefits, and other details, please check their website for more information. You’ll get a better idea there.

2. Amazon Prime Day: Checklist For Amazon Sellers

Prime Day is the biggest shopping day for Amazon sellers, and it’s right around the corner. With careful preparation, you can leverage this sales bonanza to boost your ranking and significantly increase your profits. 

Here’s a checklist to streamline the seller’s preparation process:

a) Amazon Inventory Management

  • Review Inventory Levels: Ensure you have enough stock to meet the expected surge in demand during Amazon Prime Day.
  • Identify Top-Selling Products: Determine which products are likely to be in high demand and prioritize their stock levels.
  • Warehouse Coordination: Communicate with your warehouse team to ensure they are prepared for increased order volumes.
  • FBA Shipments: Send inventory to Amazon fulfillment centers early to avoid delays. 

b) Amazon Listing Optimization

  • Enhanced Brand Content: Utilize Amazon’s A+ Content feature to create more attractive and informative product descriptions.
  • Features and Benefits: Use A+ Content to showcase the unique features, benefits, and uses of each product in a visually appealing manner. Also, apply modules such as comparison charts, product videos, and detailed product descriptions to improve customer understanding and engagement.
  • Brand Storytelling: Tell the brand story effectively to build trust and resonate with seller’s target audience.
  • High-Quality Images: Ensure product images are high-resolution (at least 2000 pixels preferred) and showcase products from multiple angles. Include images from different angles to provide a comprehensive view of product. Also, seller can show product in real-life contexts to help customers visualize its use and benefits.
  • Bullet Points & Descriptions: It’s point also sellers can revise bullet points and descriptions to highlight key features and benefits. Highlight the benefits of using the product and how it solves customer problems or fulfills their needs.

c) Pricing Strategies For Amazon Prime Day

  • Competitor Price Analysis: Before Prime, sellers can regularly monitor competitor prices for similar products. Tools like Jungle Scout or Helium 10 can help track historical pricing trends. And also set prices slightly below competitors to attract price-sensitive customers, or match prices to stay competitive.
  • Coupons and Discounts: Set up and promote Amazon coupons for each eligible product. These can appear on product detail pages and in search results, attracting shoppers looking for deals.
  • Lightning Deals: Lightning Deals can significantly boost visibility and sales velocity. They are highlighted with a countdown timer, creating urgency among shoppers. Schedule Lightning Deals during peak shopping hours to maximize exposure and sales potential.

By implementing these strategies in a well-rounded way, sellers can create an effective Amazon Prime Day pricing strategy that attracts shoppers, boosts sales, and helps them stand out from the competition.

d) Amazon PPC Advertising

  • Analyze Historical Performance: Analyzing past sales performance can help identify which products resonate with Amazon Prime Day shoppers. Sellers can then prioritize these products and tailor their deals accordingly.
  • PPC Campaigns Adjust bids and budgets: After Inventory planning, seller need to focus PPC campaigns by adjusting bids and budgets for high-traffic keywords. Before Amazon prime day need to identify high-traffic keywords related to each products and prioritize bidding on them to increase visibility during Prime Day.
  • PPC Campaign Structure: Before Prime should to re-organize campaigns into relevant ad groups and target specific products or categories to maximize relevancy and effectiveness. Here is the some of campaigns structure guide for sellers: 
  1. Sponsored Display: Focus Sponsored Display ads to boost product visibility and sales.
  2. Sponsored Brand Ads: Create Sponsored Brand ads featuring your logo, a custom headline, and multiple products. These ads appear prominently at the top of search results, enhancing brand visibility.
  3. Sponsored Product Ads: Promote individual products with Sponsored Product ads that appear in search results and on product detail pages. Optimize bids and keywords to maximize exposure and clicks.
  • PPC Campaign Optimization: Monitor performance metrics such as impressions, clicks, CTR, and conversion rates. Adjust bids and keywords to improve ad performance and ROI.

Pro Tips: Post-Event Analysis: After Amazon Prime Day, analyze the performance of your advertising campaigns. Identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement to refine future strategies.

e) Amazon Customer Service

  • Automate Responses: Set up automated responses for common customer queries to ensure quick replies during the Prime Day rush.
  • Identify Common Queries: Analyze past customer inquiries during peak seasons and Prime Days to identify the most frequently asked questions. These could be related to shipping times, return policies, Prime Day deal details, or product functionalities.
  • Don’t Over-automate: Remember, automation is a tool, not a replacement for personalized service. Use automated responses to handle basic inquiries but ensure human agents are available for complex issues or escalations.
  • Prepare FAQs: Update your FAQs to address potential customer questions and concerns related to Amazon Prime Day.

f) Operational Readiness

  • Team Training: Ensure your team is well-trained and prepared for the Prime Day rush.
  • System Checks: Verify that all systems and tools are functioning correctly and can handle increased traffic.
  • Backup Plans: Have contingency plans in place for potential issues like stock-outs or technical glitches.

g) Post-Prime Day Analysis

  • Sales Analysis: Analyze sales performance during Prime Day, including total revenue, units sold, and conversion rates. Identify top-performing products and categories.
  • Compare Performance: Compare Prime Day sales data with previous periods to compare the growth and effectiveness of promotional strategies.
  • Identify Trends: Look for trends in customer behavior, such as popular products, peak sales hours, and geographic preferences. Use insights to refine future sales strategies.
  • Customer Feedback: Collect and analyze customer feedback to identify areas for improvement in your product listings, marketing strategies, and customer service.
  • Inventory Review: Assess inventory levels post-event to plan for future sales.

By conducting a thorough post-Prime Day analysis that includes sales analysis, customer feedback assessment, and inventory review, sellers can generate actionable insights to improve future performance. 

h) Important Dates To Remember

  • FBA Inventory Deadline: Ensure inventory arrives at Amazon FBA warehouses by June 20th.
  • Prime Day Prep Cutoff: Finalize all listings, promotions, and ads a week before the end of June.
  • Prime Day Event: Typically scheduled for this year 2024 mid-July, exact dates will be confirmed by Amazon.

So, following these preparation strategies, sellers can maximize their success during Prime Day, turning the high-traffic event into a powerful catalyst for long-term growth and customer loyalty. 

3. Bonus Tips For Preparation Of Amazon Prime Day

Amazon Prime Day has become a significant event for sellers looking to boost sales and visibility on the platform. Whether you’re a seasoned seller or gearing up for one’s first Prime Day, proper preparation can make a substantial difference in your success. 

Here are some essential tips to help you maximize your readiness and capitalize on the opportunities Amazon Prime Day offers:

a) Monitor The Deals Dashboard

Before Amazon Prime Day, regularly check the Deals Dashboard in Seller Central to ensure deals are not suppressed. Deals can be suppressed due to issues such as insufficient stock, SKU discrepancies, pricing errors, or non-compliance with Amazon’s guidelines.

Action Steps:

  • Log into Seller Central and navigate to “Advertising.”
  • Review any deals highlighted in red indicating suppression.
  • Address issues promptly to make the deals live again before Prime Day.
  • Ensure stock levels are sufficient and all deal details are accurate.

b) Maintain Consistent Pricing

Avoid changing product prices once their deals are set up. Amazon automatically adjusts the price to reflect the deal price you’ve submitted in Seller Central. Changing the price after setting up the deal can lead to deal suppression if it no longer meets the required discount criteria.

Action Steps:

  • Set the deal price in Seller Central and refrain from adjusting it manually.
  • Ensure the discount percentage meets Amazon’s Prime Day requirements.
  • Monitor pricing to avoid inadvertent changes that could impact deal eligibility.

c) Perform Quality Checks On Deals and SKUs

Ensure the quality of deals and the associated SKUs to enhance the customer shopping experience during Amazon Prime Day.

Action Steps:

  • Check that deal images are on a white background and meet Amazon’s image guidelines.
  • Verify that bullet points and product descriptions accurately reflect the product on sale.
  • For brand-registered sellers, review and optimize A+ Content to provide additional information and enhance brand storytelling.
  • Conduct thorough quality checks to prevent customer dissatisfaction and negative feedback.

By following these bonus tips, Sellers can effectively prepare their Amazon listings and deals for Amazon Prime Day, maximizing visibility, sales potential, and customer satisfaction. Monitoring deal status, maintaining price consistency, and ensuring deal quality are crucial steps in achieving success during this high-traffic sales event.


Amazon Prime Day presents a significant opportunity for sellers to achieve their sales goals and expand their customer base. By thoroughly preparing and implementing strategic insights, sellers can optimize their performance during Prime Day and clear the way for continued success in the competitive landscape.

Here, at Ecomclips, we have been helping many Amazon sellers boost their sales and capture the market share with both PPC and organic SEO. If you need any help boosting your Amazon sales or making growth on your brand, please don’t hesitate to mail us at our email address Also, if you need an Amazon store or account audit for both PPC Ads and listings SEO, you can let us know via our email address, and we will provide you with a free account audit.

As an Amazon advertising agency, we have a dedicated Amazon Ads Certified expert team who can build an Amazon advertising strategy for your account whether it’s a newly launched or a running Amazon brand to build traffic and conversion.

Additionally, if you need any assistance, please reach out to us through the comment box. We are here to assist you in managing PPC advertisements to improve your profit, so we offer a personalized approach to our service.

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