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Listing Items on Apartment Therapy’s Bazaar & Ruby Lane Marketplaces

Nowadays, It’s difficult to understand which marketplace is easier to work with. Because Marketplaces have become much more competitive, almost all of us know the names of some popular marketplaces, such as eBay, Walmart, Amazon, etc., which are relatively competitive; however, this post is for you if you want to make your place in a less competitive marketplace and do business. Today, we will discuss two marketplaces, Ruby Lane and Apartment Therapy Bazar, and see how you can list your items there.

Apartment Therapy and Ruby Lane Marketplaces

The Apartment Therapy and Ruby Lane Marketplaces ain’t as competitive as Amazon, Walmart, or other marketplaces. This lets you easily rank your product listings on the marketplace and provides you with higher selling opportunities. Apartment Therapy’s Bazaar has a consumer rating of 4.42 stars, meaning its popularity gradually increases daily.

Most of the sellers using Apartment Therapy are well pleased with the marketplace’s features and advantages. And Ruby Lane isn’t far behind! Shopping or selling on Ruby Lane is also very good and well-recommended. In these two markets places, you can easily buy and sell numerous pieces of designer furniture at great prices! You can also shop or sell vintage, antique, and secondhand designer furniture and home accessory items too.

If you are interested in making your account in these two marketplaces, you can do it very easily! In this post, we are going to go through in detail how you can easily list your product on Apartment Therapy and Ruby Lane marketplaces and become successful!

Listing Product on Ruby Lane

Before you start listing your product, you will first need to collect all the necessary information regarding your product. You will need to get information like product description, pictures, and the title. After you have done that, you are ready to log into your account to start listing your product directly to the marketplace.

Step 1: Go To Listing Page On Ruby Lane

To access the product listing page, you will need to go to the “My Shop” option and select the “Additional Item” button. Then you will be taken directly to the product listing page. Here, you will find all the spaces to input all the product-related information. You can upload product images, select the type of product, write down product descriptions, titles, and more. You will find more options like color, item type, style, measurement, and more to identify your product.

Now, give a suitable title, upload images, write a product description, and most importantly, choose the right category for your item. Here are the things we will do to list the item on Ruby Lane.

✅ Choose the Category
✅ Give a Suitable Title
✅ Upload Images
✅ Write a Description
✅ Fill In All Product Detail Fields
✅ Choose Shipping Details
✅ Set List Price

When you are writing your product’s description, remember that you will have to put all the product’s information within the 1500-character limitation. So, before you start writing in the description box, make a note of what you want inside to have an easier time properly managing all the vital information and not omit necessary information about your product.

Step 2: Finalize and List the Item on Ruby Lane Marketplace

After filling in all the requirements and product information, you are now ready to click the “Add Item” button, and you are done listing your product to Ruby Lane. Clicking this button will enlist your product to the marketplace and will make it available for Ruby Lane’s customers to purchase!

Listing Product on Apartment Therapy

Listing on Apartment Therapy is also the same as Ruby Lane. You will have to gather information before listing on Apartment Therapy too.

Gathering information about your product beforehand will help relieve stress and pressure. After collecting all the product information, you can log into your Apartment Therapy marketplace to create your new product listing.

Step 1: Go To the Listing Page On Apartment Therapy

To list your product in Apartment Therapy, you will need to select the sell option, and there, you will find the listing page. Here, you will be able to see some information options to input detail for your product. Choose the right category for your item, give it a suitable title, upload images, write a product description, and most importantly, give it a suitable title. To list the item on Apartment Therapy, we will do the following.

✅ Choose the Category
✅ Give a Suitable Title
✅ Upload Images
✅ Write a Description
✅ Fill In All Product Detail Fields
✅ Choose Shipping Details
✅ Set List Price

As you fill in the options, you will then need to fill out the specification option too.

Here you will need to provide all the specification detail regarding your product. You will need to be very careful to provide all the required information about your product so that there isn’t any problem or mistakes.

Step 2: List Product On Apartment Therapy

As you sequentially fill out the product listing page, you will get to fill out shipping and location information and upload your product image. After finishing all the product listing procedures, you are now ready to scroll down and click the “Publish Listing” button. Clicking the “Publish Listing” button, your product will be published and enlisted in the Apartment Therapy’s Bazaar.


We have gone through the step-by-step process to enlist your product listing. In the article, we have gone through both Apartment Therapy and Ruby Lane Marketplaces and explained how you could list your product here. Going through this content, you will have a clear idea of the Apartment Therapy and Ruby Lane Marketplaces, and get ready to enlist your product listing.

We hope this content will help you understand the Apartment Therapy and Ruby Lane Marketplaces and have the right idea for listing your products here. I hope this post will help you improve your business, and all your confusion will be cleared. You can also let us know your opinions about this post in the comment section.

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