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Lifestyle Images for Amazon Product Listing: Is it essential?

What is Lifestyle Image and Why this is so Important?

Lifestyle images basically show your product actually being used by people in their daily life. 

Lifestyle images are so essential for your Amazon listing because listing images communicate to consumers the benefit of using your product. You can use lifestyle images for showing scenes that hit an emotional nerve with your target consumers. 

90% of consumers when searching on Amazon will make a purchase of any product. Their decision is based JUST on images, they won’t even read any bullet point or description, or any kind of text that you write down on your listing.  

The Perks of Lifestyle Image on your listing

Storytelling – A lifestyle image tells a potential customer a story about the product. It’s not easy to connect with a product against a white background image. Consumers can more easily connect with a model who is gleefully interacting with the product.

Inspiring – A lifestyle image can spur the inspiration of your consumer. This is an especially great asset for clothing, accessories, and cosmetics-related products. When you add lifestyle images to your Amazon listing then a consumer gets a chance to see the possibilities of your product like “how a light a kitchen blow torch with one hand” or “how a sofa looks against a gray wall” etc.  

Explaining – Lifestyle images can also help a customer understand a product. If a product is uncommon or unconventional from a consumer viewpoint, consumers may need help understanding how to use it.  Lifestyle images can also give consumers a more physical context for product dimensions.

You need to do for your Listing Images

  • You need to upload at least five images per listing.
  • You can upload only JPEG, PNG, GIF, or TIFF files on your listing image sector.
  • You need to add the product identifier like Amazon ASIN, JAN, EAN, etc in the image file name.
  • Optimize your images and make sure images are ready for mobile phones. Also, products are able to be seen clearly on a laptop or desktop screen.
  • Always add alt tags to product images for those using a screen reader. This will help further optimize the product for search.

What you avoid for your listing image

  • DO NOT use any image, this has to contain watermarks or text.
  • DO NOT go above 10000 pixels. The maximum size of an Amazon listing image is 10 MB.
  • DO NOT use blurry images on your listing image. Because blurry images decrease your product value.
  • DO NOT use a competitor lifestyle image on your listing image.


There is a wealth of knowledge in the world of image optimization. This may seem overwhelming, but using this guide in chunks will make it more manageable.

With a unique combination of skills and high-quality images, you can gain a competitive advantage for your Amazon business.

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