If you have a passion for making handmade, homemade products and are a born businessman. Etsy marketplace is for you. Selling on Etsy opens up a world of possibilities for entrepreneurs like you. It is popular, and interestingly the popularity is growing faster day by day. With an average traffic of 377 million per month. This is great for small business owners.
So if you are just starting to sell on Etsy? Want to make your own online store on Etsy but not sure how to list an item on Etsy? We’ve got your back! We made this guide to show you how to create a listing on Etsy. It covers everything from how to list a digital item on Etsy to how to make a listing on Etsy for a physical one. Read this guide, and you will find step-by-step instructions.
Step-by-Step Process on How to list items on Etsy?
Step1: First, log into your Etsy seller account. Which is called Shop Manager. Now, you need to find a listing and click on add new listing.
Step 2: Now a pop-up comes. And first, we need to select the product type. There are two options for the product types.
- Physical Items
- Digital items.
Whichever your product is, select accordingly.
And then- we need to answer some questions regarding the items here like – who made it, what is it. When it was made, How does your shop produce the items etc. So fill up this according to you. If you have a production partner you can also add this here. After all done- click on continue.
Step 3 : Now we have to start the process to create an Etsy listing manually. Here you will see six tabs in the listing form you must fill out before you can publish.
Which are –
- About section,
- price and inventory section
- Details section
- Variations section
- Shipping Section and lastly
- Settings
We are going to fill up these segments step-by-step. So first look at the About section-
Step 4: About section – This is what shoppers see when browsing for items on Etsy, so be sure to follow best practices for getting your items found in search. From here you can add- title, description, photos and videos, etc.
#Pro tips:
- Make sure your titles are keyword-rich and follow the proper Etsy guidelines.
- A listing’s title can be up to 140 characters long. Try to include keywords that buyers would use when searching for an item.
- you can add up to 10 photos and one video.
- Make sure that you highlight the key selling points here. The most important information about your item should be first in your description. Also, the description should be easy to read.
Step 5: Now add price and quantity information in this section. Keep your price competitive and make sure you have enough stocks in hand to deliver when someone orders your products.
Step 6: I am listing the product that has variations so, first, we need to add categories after that we will be able to add variations.
So select the appropriate category first. And now click to add variation. By default, there are only color options. But you can add your own by clicking create your own. Now give a name for the custom variation and you can add options from here.
After customization click on Done. Now this appears – manage variation. Select what needs to be selected. If your variations have different prices, various quantities, and unique SKU each. Select these.
After clicking on the apply button these options appear in the variation segment. Now set the different skus, different prices, and quantities. Now, we need to add attributes. Such as primary color, secondary color, tags- you can add up to 13 tags. Tags helps with SEO indexing. Now, add material details here. Like what ingredients are used in the items.
Step 7: We need to add shipping information here. First, shipping option- we are going to offer free shipping.
Now, you need to give me details of the products- item weight, item sizes. Return and exchange policy by default 30 days but you can change this click on change policy and then add new policy. However, I will stick with the 30-day policy setup for now. Now add your shop section. If you wanna showcase this listing at the top of your shop homepage select this.
Renewal options. I am selecting renewal. That means when my listing expires I will renew it manually.
Alright, everything is done now we need to hit publish. These pop ups. That says- You have to pay 20 cents for each listing. alright, click publish.
Now, your listing is live and available to the shoppers. If you want to view your listing, click on the Shop Manager and select Listings. You can edit, delete, preview, and publish listings from this section. To sum up, Listing products in your Etsy shop is surprisingly painless because it has a very user-friendly interface with lots of features where sellers can list their products easily. If you follow our detailed outline, you can quickly list your one-of-a-kind item on the Etsy marketplace.
We hope that you understand the process that we discussed earlier. If you think this article will help you, please comment, share, and subscribe to our blog. Also, do not hesitate to ask if you have any queries on any field of eCommerce. We would be glad to hear from you and answer your questions. If you have any queries, please let us know through the comment box or email us at info@ecomclips.com