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Amazon A+

What is the difference between Seller central A+ & Vendor central A+ content?

Amazon is the top-listed e-commerce platform where you can sell and buy your desired products. You can sell your product on Amazon seller central and Amazon Vendor central. For better increase your sales, Amazon added this A+ feature.

Now the question is, what is the difference between Amazon seller central A+ and Amazon Vendor Central A+?

What is A+ content?

The A+ content is an Amazon initiative that has been introduced in 2017. It offers sellers to improve their product listing by creating useful and interactive content.

A+ content is designed to increase seals and push more product traffic by helping customers find what they are looking for faster and easier. This A+ content follows below five steps.

Title: This descriptive title should contain the product’s key information.

Bullet Points: These should be concise, informative paragraphs containing key details about the product.

Image Background: This is the color of the image behind the product image.

Offer Indicators: This section displays any special offers or deals that are available.

Product Descriptors: This is a short paragraph that describes the product.

What is Seller central A+?

In Amazon seller central, sellers act as third-party sellers to customers through Amazon seller central. Sealer central sealer sells their product directly to the customers without any involvement of Amazon.

In seller central, the seller has much better control over their product, order, pricing, etc. In seller central A+ sellers can add 6 or 7 modules or images about their product. If we particular 6 default modules & 1 comparison chart, which helps to introduce their product to customers more reliably 

If you check this particular A+ you’ll find 6 Amazon default modules along with a comparison chart.

What is Vendor central A+?

This is a third-party platform like online sellers such as manufacturers and distributors. In this selling method amazon directly involves. Firstly seller sells its product to amazon and then sells the product to customers without having any issues with inventory management, taxes, and seal maintenance.

Vendor Central helps sellers focus on selling, which is the most important factor and Amazon takes care of the rest. 

In this method, the sealer can add only 5 modules among them 4 are default modules & 1 comparison chart. In these 5 modules, sellers have to focus all their product information simply with more detail. You can share only those A+ pages which are registered.

If you check this particular A+ you’ll find 5 Amazon default modules without a comparison chart

The difference between Seller central A+ & Vendor central A+?

TopicSeller central A+Vendor central A+
A+ ContentAmazon Seller Central allows 7 A+ modules.Amazon Vendor Central allows 5 A+ modules.
New Product LaunchAmazon seller central allows sellers to launch new products with new A+. Amazon vendor central restricts sellers from selling new products. So they have to sell their product with A+ which is registered.
Limitation’sIn Amazon seller central there was no product limitation, so you can share your all product A+ for your product.Amazon vendor central there is a limitation, only registered products that are most selling only you can share those products A+.
Cross or comparison chartYou can add this chart in 6 or 7 modulesYou can add this chart in 5 modules 


So, these are some differences between Amazon Seller central A+ & Vendor central A+. We will give you more information and tips in the future. So be with us. If you find this information useful, please comment, like, share, and be with Ecomclips.

If you find any difficulties organizing your Amazon vendor central or need any help related to vendor central, please contact us. We will give you full support to solve your problem with our top-rated Amazon specialists.

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