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Rakuten Promotions Or Offer Discount Guide| Easy Learn In Step By Step

While Selling on Rakuten, we can use the feature of Rakuten promotions and increase our sales. Using Rakuten promotions will save you both time and outdated items. We are the eCommerce experts, have made this article for you to make your business easy.
First, let us tell you something about Rakuten…


Rakuten is a B2B2C e-commerce platform which is the largest e-commerce site in Japan and among the world’s largest by sales. Mikitani the CEO of Rakuten says to all users that “We want to make them feel like there really is a person in there”.

Promotions Or Discount

For all the marketplaces, Sales Promotion or Discount is a very critical and important factor for success. Basically Sales Promotion or Discount is media and non-media marketing communication used for a predetermined limited time to increase consumer demand, stimulate market demand or improve product availability. Examples include coupons, sweepstakes, contests, product samples, rebates, tie-ins, self-liquidating premiums, trade shows, trade-ins, and exhibitions etc.
Last day, we have given an easy guide for Rakuten inventory management. Now we will give you an easy step by step guide to run Rakuten promotions or offer discounts.

Rakuten Promotions Guide

Step 1:

First of all Go to the “Rakuten RMS Portal” site. RMS Portal means every seller in the Rakuten have their own account where they can control everything whatever they want with their product.

Step 2:

Click on the “Marketing” drop-down box and select “Campaigns” option. We can easily guess that what is marketing. Actually, marketing is to introduce a product with different creativity. Here in the Marketing > Campaigns we will reduce our product price from the base price.

Step 3:

Then Click on the “Create Campaign” button. To start a campaign we must need to create a campaign. At a time you can create multiple campaigns. By creating multiple campaigns .you can start groups, So that you can easily recognize which products promotion you started or not.

Step 4:

Here in the “Campaign Name” box write your promotion name. (Whatever you want). By campaign name, you can easily recognize your products which are going promotion on.

(**Note – [*] Red Star means those are Required Fields. This is mandatory to fill up those boxes**)

Step 5:

 Here in the “Campaign Description” box write your promotion description. The description can be product title, a custom promotion name or name of the seasonal offer. You can put description as you wish. But it is better if you put something that the customers will find attractive. For example “Winter Sale”

Step 6:

Here in the Status section, it must be Enabled. Otherwise, the promotion will not be running. Click it to enable it. When a promotion starts once a time, you can never disabled that. If you want just give all the information but don’t want to run your promotion. Then you can click “ Disabled”. Later you can enable it.

Step 7:

In the “Start” section choose the preferable date and time when the promotion will be starting. This step is very important because it will let Rakuten know what time your promotion will start. Your bills will be set according to the start and end time.

(** Note: By chance you configure wrong date, No problem. Later you can easily edit the campaign start time by clicking edit of the Campaign Name title. **)

Step 8:

In the “End” section choose the preferable date and time when the promotion will be ending. This step is also very important Because it will let Rakuten know what time your promotion will end.
(**Note: By chance, you configure wrong date, No problem. Later you can easily edit the campaign end time by clicking edit of the Campaign Name Title.**)

Step 9:

In the “Campaign Conditions” section choose your “Campaign Type”. Here you can find it there are 3 types of Campaign.
1) Product Discount – If you want to sell your product at a low price.
2) Shipping Discount – If you want to reduce the shipping cost for the customer.
3) Shop Coupon – If you want to give varieties discount by creating code which will be given to the customer when they buy these products.

Step 10:

After choosing “Campaign Type”, In the “Apply Campaign to” section select your desired products which you want to run promotions for. Click “Add Products” to select your products.

Step 11:

Here search you can find easily of your desired products for promotions by inputting Product “SKU” or “Base SKU” or “Product Title”. So that you can easily find those items which you want to promote.

Step 12:

After searching, Finally select your product by clicking image “Checkbox” and “Add Selected” button. Remember you have to click on image checkbox. Otherwise, your product will not be selected.

(**NOTE: After select image “Checkbox”, you can again search other products to select multiple products. **)

Step 13:

Then in the “Discount” section, Configure your discount. This section is very important. Discount price is depended on this section. Configure your desired percentage for the product.

Step 14:

In the “Discount” section whatever choose your percentages, it will automatically reduce and price and will be displayed here. So that you can easily find the discount price of the product instantly.
No need to the calculation to find out the percentage.

Step 15:

After doing all the process, check again all the required information & Finally select “Save” button for stating run promotions.

Step 16:

Lastly, here you can see your desire promotions “Status”. If your promotion is running then it will be showing “Enabled”. If not, then it will be showing “Disabled”. Also here you can see “Campaign name”, “Campaign Name”, “Campaign Type”, “Start Date”, “End Date” for your promotion.

Now, you can also run Rakuten promotions and increase your sales. Try as we have shown. If you face any problem following any issues for your eCommerce business, please let us know in our comment box or email. That was all for today. Best of luck for your business.

2 thoughts on “Rakuten Promotions Or Offer Discount Guide| Easy Learn In Step By Step”

    1. Hi for Rakuten promotions and discounts, you can set how much amount you want to OFF. You can expect to give off between 1% and 15% cashback on your Rakuten listings. However, some retailers may offer higher or lower cashback rates depending on the product or service you are selling.

      Please let us know if you have any more queries.
      Thank you.

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