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Integrate Walmart with Linnworks using API | Linnworks Special

Ecomclips is an eCommerce solution and service provider company. We have lots of clients who are selling their products on eBay, Amazon, Walmart and more. Many of our clients are using Multichannel Software like Linnworks to automate their Inventory Stock. Centrally for eBay, Amazon, and Magento. eBay, Amazon & Magento can be integrated with Linnworks and managed from Linnworks. But there is no way to integrate Walmart from  Linnworks. So we will teach you to integrate Walmart with linnworks using API.

We realized that we need to develop an application which integrates Walmart with Linnworks using API. Because lots of the eCommerce Business Holders manage Walmart Inventory Stock separately, for doing this they spent their valuable time. Some time they hire people to manage their Inventory Stock for Walmart.

Output / Solution:

Our Tech Team has developed a Middle-Ware application to manage Walmart Inventory Stock centrally from Linnworks. Generally, The Middle-Ware application deducts the ordered Item Stock quantity from Linnworks.

Integration between Linnworks and Walmart through API:

We developed a PHP based Middleware application to synchronize stock Quantity. It’s very essential to gather knowledge about Linnworks and Walmart API. Here is the link of Walmart and Linnworks API.



To access Walmart Store through API we need

  • Customer Id
  • Secret/ Private Key and
  • Channel Type value

How can we get them?

Please go to the following links –

To access Walmart through API we are using a third party PHP library which is really user-friendly.
Here is the link:


To access Linnworks through API we need

  • Application ID
  • Application Secret and
  • Token

How to get them?

Go to and click ‘Log in’ button, login page shall appear.
After successful login, you will get more two menu Application and Account. Click the Application menu Application page shall appear like below.

To get token you can add new or edit existing. Please see this video to generate token.
Now we have all credential and necessary info of Walmart and Linnwork. So we need to access test Linnworks and Walmart through API before development.

Now we need to download Linnworks REST API PHP library Github and Walmart API SDK PHP third-party library from Github. Here is the link –


After successfully download extract both zip file.

For Linnworks – after extract the linnworks .zip file go to path:/LinnworksNetSDK/Linnworks/src/’ and copy the ‘php‘ folder and past into the project folder.

For Walmart just copy the extracted folder and past it into the project folder. We need to create a project folder into our web server

Test Linnworks:


  include 'php/Factory.php';
  include 'php/Auth.php';
  include 'php/Inventory.php';

  $mLWAuth = new AuthMethods();
  $mLWInventory = new InventoryMethods();

  $appID = 'ddsdss-bsds-1553-8852-669hgrtbd';
  $appSecret = '45565664-95f6-599f-123df-121521dfd51';
  $token = '456ret950000000000fg3sg43s5d34e1';

  $authResults= $mLWAuth->AuthorizeByApplication($appID,$appSecret,$token);

  echo "";


stdClass Object
    [LastActivity] => 2017-04-03T11:09:59.456+00:00
    [Device] => ByApplication
    [DeviceType] => ByApplication
    [Server] =>
    [Status] => stdClass Object
            [State] => AVAILABLE
            [Reason] => 
            [Parameters] => stdClass Object


    [BsonId] => 45454464654646464
    [Id] => 46546545646546465464546
    [Email] =>
    [UserId] => 4546546-000000-5785-dsddd-491100000
    [UserName] => Test 
    [UserType] => Application
    [Token] => qqq454554-q4545-qq99-32qq-qqq656q6qqq
    [EntityId] => qqq000000-q4545-qq99-00qq-qqq000000qq
    [GroupName] => testgroupcom
    [Locality] => US
    [Properties] => stdClass Object
            [UserName] => Test
            [Device] => ByApplication
            [UserType] => Application
            [API] => LW.NET

    [FullName] => 
    [Company] => 
    [Md5Hash] => 
    [DatabaseName] => 
    [DatabaseServer] => 
    [ConnectionString] => 
    [ProductName] => 
    [ExpirationDate] => 0001-01-01T00:00:00
    [SupportLevels] => 
    [MaxImagesPerStockItem] => 0
    [SuperAdmin] => 
    [SessionUserId] => -1
    [PrintingServer] => 
    [IsAccountHolder] => 1

Linnwork Authorization is done.

Now, the integration of Walmart and Linnworks open door for Walmart to manage Inventory Stock centrally with Linnworks.

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