How to Product Filters to Shopify A Step-By-Step Guide
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How to Product Filters to Shopify: A Step-By-Step Guide

Are you an online merchant looking to enhance your customers’ shopping experience? One of the essential elements of a successful online store is providing a seamless browsing experience. In today’s digital marketplace, setting up filters can significantly improve navigation and help customers find precisely what they’re looking for quickly. Let’s delve into the world of Shopify filters and how you can effortlessly integrate them into your store.

Understanding the Importance of Filters

Imagine navigating through an online store with hundreds of products but no way to filter or sort them based on your preferences. It’s frustrating, isn’t it? That’s where Shopify filters come into play. By enabling filters, you empower your customers to refine their search based on specific criteria such as color, size, price, or product type. This not only simplifies the browsing process but also increases the likelihood of conversions by matching customers with products that align with their needs and preferences.

Setting Up Filters on Your Shopify Store

Let’s walk through the step-by-step process of setting up filters on your Shopify store:

Step 1: Accessing Your Shopify Backend

– Log in to your Shopify admin panel and navigate to the “Online Store” section.

– Click on “Themes” and select the “Customize” option for your desired theme.

Step 2: Enabling the Sidebar

– Within the customization options, locate the section where you can enable the sidebar.

– Choose whether you want the sidebar to appear on the left or right side of your page.

Step 3: Installing the App

– To streamline the process, consider installing a Shopify app like “Search and Discover” that facilitates the implementation of filters.

– Follow the app installation instructions provided, or refer to a tutorial for guidance.

Step 4: Adding Filters

– Once the app is installed, access the filter settings within the app’s interface.

– Add filters based on relevant product attributes such as color, size, or product type.

– Customize the filter options to ensure they align with your product offerings and customer preferences.

Step 5: Adjusting Filter Positions

– Arrange the filters within the sidebar to optimize the browsing experience.

– Drag and drop the filters to rearrange their positions according to your preferences.

Step 6: Testing the Filters

– Save your changes and preview your Shopify store’s frontend to ensure that the filters are displayed correctly.

– Test the functionality of the filters by selecting different options and verifying that the corresponding products are filtered accordingly.

Enhancing Customer Experience with Filters

By implementing filters on your Shopify store, you’re not only making it easier for customers to find products but also enhancing their overall shopping experience. With filters in place, customers can quickly narrow down their search, explore relevant options, and make informed purchasing decisions. Whether they’re searching for a specific color, size, or product type, filters empower customers to discover products that resonate with their preferences, ultimately driving sales and fostering customer loyalty.


In today’s competitive e-commerce landscape, providing a seamless browsing experience is paramount to the success of your online store. By incorporating Shopify filters, you can streamline the shopping journey for your customers, making it easier for them to find the products they love. From enabling simple color filters to more advanced options like product type filtering, the possibilities are endless. Invest in enhancing your Shopify store with filters today and watch as your conversions soar and your customer satisfaction levels rise.

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