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Amazon Product Listing Guide: Optimization & Guidelines

Amazon Product Detail Page Rules for Best Practice – Amazon Seller Central

What are Amazon Product Listings?

An Amazon product listing is the product details page for each of the items you sell on Amazon. It is the information that you provide about your product such as title, images, description, and price. The information you provide in the title, images, description, and price section will be shown in the product details page. The Product details page contains every information about your product. The buyers will judge your product depending on the information you provide during listing which makes the Listing a very important part of your product sales. If you can convince customers through the information on the details page you will have good sales. If you can’t convince, your product will not have a good sale.

So, getting the product listing right will determine the success of your products on Amazon.

The Goal of the Product Listing

Among the various functions, there are only two main functions:

  1. Enables your products to be found in Amazon searches
  2. Encourages buyers to purchase your products

You may understand the number two function but may be asking yourself how it is used to find products in Amazon. Now, we are going to explain so that you can have a clear idea about it. The information you give in the title section have some keyword and Amazon tries to match customers input with your product title keyword. If it has the highest rank in the matching keyword, Amazon will show the product to the customer. The keyword a customer uses to find his/her desired product can match to more than one product’s title keyword.  Here come importance of the Bullet points and the description.

There are various steps in the product listing:

Product title – In the product title give a mini description of the product. You should include some very good keyword in the title. The more keyword in the title the more chance of visibility your product will have. But you have to keep in mind that your title has to be a meaningful one because you are writing it for the human.

Images – an Amazon product listing should have some detail images with the main image. The image size has to be at least 1000*1000. The detail image should contain various angels of the product.

Bullet points – In the product listing page, there are several bullet points under the price. This section is very important as it highlights the key aspects of your product. You should add at least 5 bullet point with a short description so that it contains some keyword related to the product.

Description – The description section is not as important as the bullet points. But it still has some significance as you can tell your customer more about your product which you missed in the bullet point. It also helps you to index more keyword.

Amazon Product Listing Optimization

People are very lazy nowadays. We think more than 80% of the people don’t read all the information you provided in the details page. So, your product listing has to be easy to understand and get the attention of the customer at first glance.

An excellent professional photo of your product is very crucial to get attention in the first place. It is very rare almost nearly 0% that a customer didn’t like the photo and bought the product. A good professional photo will give a good impression of your product.

The Title of a product is the most important part of your product listing optimization. Customers should have a very good idea about your product when he/she sees the title. When optimizing a title, you should keep in mind that you are writing for human first and then the algorithm.  You should implement a very good long tail keyword in the title. The most important keyword will be in the title and the very most important keyword will be at the beginning of the title.

After getting the attention of the customer, your next task is making them curious about your product so that they want to know more about your product. A storytelling type description of your product will help it. The more curious they get the more chance of the selling product. In the bullet point, tell the customers who should buy this item and how this item will give them benefits. Think of yourself as a customer and answer why you will want to buy this product? Why you should not go to another competitor for this product? Research keyword which is most likely related to a customer’s search query and put them in the description.

Amazon is a price-focused online marketplace. The profit for yourself means profit for Amazon. So, if your product sells more Amazon will rank it higher, if your product sells less amazon will rank it lower.

Keyword Research

Keyword research is a very essential part of the optimization. There are many tools which you can use for keyword research. i.e. MerchantWords

Select your keyword wisely and run some Amazon PPC campaign to get more traffic than before.

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