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Free Amazon Keyword Ranking Trackers | 2024

As an Amazon seller, we all know the importance of ranking high in search results. But with millions of products in Amazon competing for attention, keeping track of your ranking for various keywords can feel like an uphill battle.

This is where keyword ranking trackers come in. These tools help you monitor your product’s position on Amazon’s Search Engine Results Page for specific keywords. By understanding your ranking, you can refine your optimization strategy and climb the ranks for relevant search terms.

1. Amazon Keywords Rank Tracking Benefit

Think of Amazon keyword ranking as a compass for your Amazon success. It improvise an overall ranking and PPC matrics, here is a brief overview of all the points

a) Amazon Success Matrics

There are some success matrics we can check for a effective Amazon keywords ranking tracker, here are the details given below

  • Visibility: How easily customers can find your products in Amazon search results.

  • SEO Performance: How well your listings are optimized for relevant searches.

  • Conversion Potential: Which keywords drive the most sales.

b) Benefits Of Using Amazon Keyword Rank Track

There are several key benefits to using Amazon keyword rank tracking for sellers

  • Improved SEO: This is a big one. By tracking which keywords your products rank for and how well they convert, you can refine your listings to target the most relevant terms. This involves optimizing titles, descriptions, and backend keywords to better match what customers are searching for.

  • Identify Opportunities: Keyword tracking can help you discover new, high-traffic keywords that have lower competition. This allows you to target these terms and potentially gain an edge over competitors who haven’t identified them yet.

  • Track Progress: This is all about seeing what’s working and what’s not. Monitoring your ranking trends over time allows you to measure the effectiveness of your listing optimizations and adjust your strategy as needed.

  • Competitor Insights: A little healthy competition can be good! Tracking your competitor’s keyword rankings can reveal valuable information about their strategies. You can see which keywords they’re targeting and how they’re optimizing their listings, potentially giving you some inspiration for your own approach.

  • Win the keyword game: Imagine keywords like secret search phrases. Tracking them reveals which ones people use the most to find similar products. You can then use these “winning keywords” in your listings to get your product noticed before others.

c) Amazon PPC Campaigns Optimization

Keyword tracking goes beyond organic SEO. By understanding which keywords convert well, you can allocate your PPC (pay-per-click) advertising budget more effectively. You can target high-converting keywords with laser focus in your sponsored product campaigns, maximizing your return on ad spend (ROAS)

d) Improved Amazon Brand Awareness

Ranking well for relevant keywords increases your product visibility and brand exposure. The more your products appear in search results, the more likely customers are to discover your brand and consider your offerings.

The good news? There are several free keyword ranking trackers available to help you on your Amazon journey. Let’s explore some of the options:

2. Free Amazon Keywords Rank Tracking

Here’s the free tool we prepared for tracking Amazon keyword rank. It can be a great tool for manually keeping tabs on your progress. Here’s how it works:

  • Set Up Your Sheet: Create a table with columns for “Keyword,” “Current Rank,” and “Previous Rank” (optional).

  • Search It Yourself: Regularly search Amazon for your target keywords. Note down your product’s position in the search results for each keyword over the whole month.

  • Update Your Sheet: Enter the current rank in the corresponding cell for each keyword. If you’d like to track progress over time, add the previous rank in another column.

  • Analyze and Adapt: See if your ranking is improving, staying the same, or dropping. This can help you identify which keywords are working and which need more optimization in your listings.

You can also keep track by seeing the graph for which keyword you are improving or where you need to improve more.

Manually checking rank takes more effort, but it’s a free and effective way to understand your Amazon keyword performance, especially when starting out.

3. Free Amazon Keyword Ranking & Index Checker

SellerApp remains a user-friendly free chrome extension option that allows you to track a limited number of keywords for your products. It provides basic rank tracking functionality, letting you see how your product positions itself for chosen keywords over time.

For example you have collected your top potential keywords and now you need to track their ranking so you just need to add the “Amazon Keyword Ranking & Index Checker” chrome extension.

Then put your collected keywords that you used for and now want to see where you are appearing for those keywords.

Now you will see the result that you are waiting for. You can see the ranking for keywords and also in which page you are appearing for. Also the report will show you if the keyword is indexed for your item or not.

You can also export this data to track daily basis in your own keyword rank tracking sheet. This is a great option for beginners who want to get their feet wet with keyword tracking.

4. Amazon Keywords Rank Tracking By Helium 10

Helium 10, a popular suite of Amazon seller tools, offers a free tier for its Amazon Keyword Tracker. This plan allows you to track a few keywords for free. And if you invest your budget in this tool it will definitely help you to make your Amazon bidding strategy more efficient and help you to be forward according to the market. It provides essential functionalities like monitoring your product’s ranking for chosen keywords over time and analyzing historical data to identify trends.

Here we go with Amazon keyword tracking by Helium. You need to be registered on Helium 10 and just go to “Keyword Tracker”.

Then you will find your added items here. Click your item’s ASIN and  here is the visual page what you will find:

From here you can find the organic rank & sponsored rank for your items. You can easily make decisions in where and which keyword you need to push more and in which items you need to improve your rank more by pushing on Amazon PPC side.

This makes it a strong contender for beginners and experienced Amazon sellers alike who want to track a manageable number of high-impact keywords.

5. AMZ Scout Keyword Tracker For Amazon

Similar to SellerApp, AMZ Scout offers a free plan with limitations on the number of keywords you can track. This free tier allows you to add product ASINs and track their ranking for a set of keywords. This is helpful for monitoring your existing product listings and their keyword performance.

6. Chrome Extension For Amazon Keyword Rank Tracking

Several free Chrome extensions offer basic keyword tracking functionalities specifically designed for Amazon. These extensions work by simulating product searches and reporting your product’s position in the results. While they might not offer extensive features, they can be a handy option for quick checks and keeping a pulse on your ranking for a few crucial keywords.

7. Amazon Keyword Rank Tracking Limitations

While free trackers are a great starting point, they do have limitations. Here’s what to consider:

  • Tracking Limitations: Free plans often come with limitations on the number of keywords you can track and the frequency of rank checks.

  • Accuracy: Since free trackers often rely on scraping search results, their accuracy might not be perfect compared to paid options.

  • Advanced Features: Free plans typically lack advanced features like competitor tracking, historical data analysis, and keyword research tools.

8. Upgrading To Paid Trackers: Why Does It Make Sense?

As your business grows and your keyword strategy becomes more complex, consider upgrading to a paid keyword tracking tool. This might be a good decision if you:

  • Sell a High Volume of Products: With a large product portfolio, managing and tracking a significant number of keywords becomes crucial. Paid trackers can handle this efficiently.

  • Want Insights: Paid tools offer in-depth competitor analysis, historical data, and PPC integration, enabling you to make highly informed optimization decisions.

  • Value Automation: Paid trackers often automate tasks like rank checks and reporting, saving you valuable time and effort.

Free vs. Paid: Finding the Right Fit

Ultimately, the choice between free and paid trackers depends on your specific needs and budget. Free trackers are perfect for starting out or operating on a limited budget. As your business scales, consider upgrading to a paid tool for a more comprehensive and automated approach.


Free Amazon keyword ranking trackers are a valuable tool for any seller, especially those starting out. They provide essential insights into your product’s visibility and ranking for relevant keywords. Remember, however, that free plans come with limitations.

As your business grows and your keyword needs become more complex, you might consider upgrading to a paid plan that offers more features and functionalities. But for those initial steps on the Amazon seller journey, free keyword trackers, including Helium 10’s free tier, can be a great way to gain valuable data and optimize your listings for success.

Here, at Ecomclips, we have been helping many Amazon sellers boost their sales and capture the market share with both PPC and organic SEO. If you need any help boosting your Amazon sales or making growth on your brand, please don’t hesitate to mail us at our email address Also, if you need an Amazon store or account audit for both PPC Ads and listings SEO, you can let us know via our email address, and we will provide you with a free account audit.

As an Amazon advertising agency, we have a dedicated Amazon Ads Certified expert team who can build an Amazon advertising strategy for your account whether it’s a newly launched or a running Amazon brand to build traffic and conversion.

Additionally, if you need any assistance, please reach out to us through the comment box. We are here to assist you in managing PPC advertisements to improve your profit, so we offer a personalized approach to our service.

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