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Amazon Best Seller Rank: Proven Strategy to Improve Amazon BSR

In the fiercely competitive realm of Amazon, visibility and traffic are pivotal factors that determine a product’s success. With millions of products available at the click of a button, securing sales becomes an exhilarating yet challenging endeavor for sellers.

As the market continues to expand, achieving a high Amazon Sales Rank becomes the most important puzzle for sellers to solve, as it directly impacts their revenue. Increasing your Amazon Best Seller Rank becomes the key to maximizing profits.

On Amazon, understanding the significance of BSR becomes paramount, as it reveals the secrets to discovering hidden gems and unleashing a product’s full potential for success. Nevertheless, navigating the path to improve your Amazon sales rank isn’t always clear-cut.

Throughout this guide, we delve deep into the essence of Amazon’s Best Seller Rank, exploring its impact and providing you with some proven tips to improve the best seller rank. 

Quick view:

  • What is the Best Seller Rank on Amazon?
  • How to Find Amazon Best Seller Rank?
  • How Amazon Calculates the Best Seller Rank?
  • Difference Between Amazon Best Sellers Rank and Organic Ranking?
  • How Does Best Seller Rank Impacts Sales?
  • Proven Strategy to Improve Amazon BSR?

What is the Best Seller Rank on Amazon?

Amazon’s sales rank, also known as Best Seller Rank (BSR), is a key indicator of a product’s performance relative to others in the same category. It is generally assigned to a product after its first sale. It’s displayed as a number, ranging from #1 to #10,000 or higher. 

Having a lower BSR is great because it means your product is performing well. The lower the product’s BSR, the better its sales. 

For example, a product best seller ranked #1 has much higher sales than a product best seller ranked #500.

How to Find Amazon Best Seller Rank?

It’s very easy to find Amazon’s Best Seller rank. Instead of searching through individual product pages, you can find Amazon Best Sellers with their eye-catching orange badge. Besides, you can visit the dedicated Amazon Best Sellers page and choose a specific category or sub-category to explore the top 100 products in that particular category. 

Alternatively, you can find it on your “Product detail page”. Scroll down to the “Product Information section”. In “Additional Information” you’ll see the item’s Best Seller Rank. Though the product information section is not available on every page then you can find it in “Product Details”.

How Amazon Calculates the Best Seller Rank?

The exact algorithm for calculating Amazon’s Best Sellers Rank (BSR) is not publicly disclosed by Amazon. However, there are several factors involved in the calculation:

  • Current and historic sales
  • Price changes, including sales and promotions
  • Competitive products

Amazon updates the Best Sellers Rank (BSR) values every hour, taking into account both current and historical sales data. 

For example, Let’s say your product sells 10 units in one hour, while your competitor sells 5 units. As a result, your BSR would be lower than your competitor’s BSR. Remember, a lower BSR indicates a better ranking.

Now, suppose in the next hour you only sell one unit while your competitor sells five. Despite the lower sales in that hour, your BSR would still remain lower than your competitor’s. This is because the BSR algorithm considers not only immediate sales but also the historical sales performance of your product. It looks at the overall sales trend to allocate the rankings, ensuring that sudden changes do not occur too quickly.

It’s important to note that this information is based on a general understanding. The factors mentioned above play a significant role in the calculation, but there may be additional considerations involved.

Difference Between Amazon Best Sellers Rank and Organic Ranking?

Amazon Best Sellers Rank (BSR) and organic ranking are related but distinct metrics that affect a product’s performance and visibility on the Amazon platform.

Amazon Best Seller Rank (BSR):

1. Amazon Best Sellers Rank (BSR) is a metric that measures a product’s popularity and sales performance relative to others within its category on Amazon. 

2. It is determined by the recent sales velocity of a product, updated hourly, and assigned a unique numerical rank, with lower numbers indicating higher sales performance. 

3. BSR primarily focuses on a product’s performance within its category, showing how well it is selling compared to others in the same group.

4. It is updated frequently (hourly) and is a dynamic metric that changes rapidly based on sales fluctuations.

5. BSR affects a product’s visibility within Amazon’s internal rankings, with lower BSRs leading to higher placement in category rankings.

Organic Ranking:

1. Organic ranking, also known as search ranking, refers to a product’s position in Amazon’s search results for specific keywords based on its relevance, sales history, and other factors.

2. It is influenced by Amazon’s algorithm, which considers various factors such as keyword relevance, sales history, customer reviews, and conversion rates to determine a product’s position in search results.

3. Organic ranking is concerned with a product’s visibility and position in search results, aiming to attract more organic traffic from relevant searches.

4. It can also fluctuate, but it depends on various factors like keyword relevancy and search trends.

5. It directly influences a product’s visibility in search results; a higher organic ranking increases the likelihood of being seen by potential customers searching for related products.

How Does Best Seller Rank Impacts Sales?

Best Sellers Rank (BSR) can have a significant impact on Amazon sales for products listed on the platform. It is a metric that reflects a product’s popularity and sales performance within its respective category on Amazon. Here’s how BSR impacts Amazon sales:

Product Visibility: Products with a lower BSR are more likely to appear at the top of search results and category rankings, making it visible to potential customers to find out and consider the product. This increased visibility can lead to higher click-through rates and, consequently more sales.

Higher Conversion Rate: With increased visibility and social proof, products with lower BSRs generally experience higher conversion rates, as shoppers are more likely to convert into buyers.

Sales Momentum: BSR is a dynamic metric that fluctuates based on real-time sales performance. As a product’s sales increase, its BSR improves. This creates a positive feedback loop, where higher BSR leads to increased visibility, leading to more sales, and so on.

Amazon’s Badges: Products with impressive sales performance often receive Amazon’s Choice or Best Seller badges, which further increase their visibility and credibility.

Social Proof: A low BSR serves as social proof to potential customers that the product is popular and well-received by others, making them more likely to trust the product and purchase it. On the other hand, when shoppers see a product with a higher BSR, they will not get confidence, resulting in decreased sales.

Competitive Edge: A lower BSR attracts more customers as people tend to prefer products with better rankings and assume that the product is high quality and offers better value. Higher sales performance further strengthens the product’s BSR, reinforcing its competitive edge.

Proven Strategy to Improve Amazon BSR

To increase your BSR, you need to sell more rather than your competitors. For increasing your sales you need to follow some criteria:

Sales Volume: To improve the BSR of your Amazon products, you should focus on increasing your sales volume as it directly affects your sales. You can do this by implementing effective marketing and promotional strategies, such as running targeted advertising campaigns, offering discounts, or participating in Amazon’s promotional programs, like Lightning Deals or Deals of the Day.

Competitive Pricing: Your Product price should be competitive to generate sales. If you make more sales, BSR will be increased automatically. To make your prices competitive, you should research competitors’ products and their prices.

For researching competitors’ prices, you can use Amazon’s automated pricing features or repricing software like APPeagle, Feedvisor, and others.

Optimize Your Listing Copy: If you want to improve the searchability of your product as well as the conversion rate, Optimize your product listing. Write compelling content titles, bullet points, and descriptions with relevant keywords

Improve Your Listing Images and Videos: On the online marketplace, customers are not able to touch or see your product physically, so they largely depend on the product images. So, images are plays an important role to make buying decisions. So you need to take special care of your product images and make sure images are of high quality and can help customers point out important features and benefits of the product.

Not only do images help sell your product but also a product video will bring your product to another level which helps to outperform your customers. Also, product videos provide a real-life experience to the customers which helps them to make a purchase decision.

We can say,

Better Images & Video = Higher Conversion = Lower BSR 

Category Selection: Since BSR are relative to other items in the same category, choosing the right product category is crucial. Also, an item can rank in multiple categories, you need to focus on the browse node like root or main category, and subcategory like branch and leaf.

Take your time to explore the Best Seller list and familiarize yourself with available main and subcategories, check competitors’ categories, and then choose the most relevant categories based on your products before listings. This strategic categorization will help optimize your BSR and improve your visibility among potential buyers.

Fulfillment Method: If you use Amazon’s fulfillment services (FBA), it can positively impact your BSR.  FBA listings often receive preferential treatment in terms of shipping speed and Prime eligibility, which can attract more buyers, and ultimately increase the BSR.

Advertising and Marketing Strategy: On Amazon, it’s a common practice to run sponsored advertisements for increasing sales. But strategic marketing can make a difference. You can leverage the power of social media platforms to create compelling content, engage with your audience, and drive traffic.

For that, you can consider starting a blog to provide valuable information related to your products, establishing yourself as an authority in your niche, and attracting organic traffic. 

Final Thoughts,

In conclusion, the Amazon Best Sellers Rank (BSR) is not just an important metric but a valuable tool that can provide significant benefits for Amazon sellers. It offers insights into your own business performance as well as a window into your competitors’ sales and activities. 

Achieving a high BSR is essential for maximizing profits and unveiling a product’s full potential. While the path to improving Amazon’s sales rank may not always be clear, strategic approaches such as optimizing listings, competitive pricing, leveraging fulfillment services, and utilizing effective advertising and marketing can make a significant impact. 

By embracing BSR data and leveraging its power, you can make informed decisions to drive growth and success.

Still, if you have any confusion or queries, feel free to let us know in the comment box or email us at the following email address: 

To know more about Amazon, please check out our other blog. Also, you can check our YouTube videos related to Amazon.

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